A bug that has caused some tty12 problems for some people has been fixed and an expansion to the 66-tree tool is also coming on this next release.

A new option on 66-tree that allows you to order which
tree starts after which tree with configurant -S (starts after)

It may not seem as important yet but some admins are evolving together with 66 demanding more complicated service structures. As you saw in the 0.2.4 edition the significant change was how one service may depend on the pre-existing running of another service. Now you can have whole trees of services requiring another tree to be active already, It is hard to give an example with services that don't require such functionality, but let's say you have a networking tree and without it you have no network access, and a file server tree. For the file server tree to be activated (66-all) the networking tree must already be active. So by creating or modifying such a fileserver tree you can use the option -S and specify the tree that must also be activated before this one becomes active. You can have services struggle with each other and produce unnecessary logging events (..trying to bring apache up but there is no net. access ..) but now there is a way to have a cleaner more efficient system that doesn't produce unnecessary "trash".

Just when you thought you have seen it all :)

Uuuuh this is SICK! LOVE IT! It's basically a soft dependency. AWESOME! This is remedy to like a hundred threads on systemd and other init systems that get people frustrated because their services fail in the wrong order. LOVE IT!
a month later
Do I need to do a fresh install from the new ISO or can this be fixed by updating the existing installation of Obarun?
Always fix never reinstall, no need ever.
If you haven't done an upgrade for a long time, make a not of your trees and services, after you upgrade, run # 66-update -d and see if you get any errors. If you don't run the same without the -d (dry run, no real changes just simulation). If you have user trees do the same for user.

Worst case scenario is your remove all trees and remake them, this always works. Most common problem was having tty1 tty2 ..etc enabled and must be disabled and be replaced with tty@ tty1 ... etc.
does it look normal ?

# 66-update -d
66-update: info: dry run do: save state of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: save service(s) list of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: update /run/66/tree/0/boot-user to: /tmp/boot-user:IwfpmL/boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -R boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -nE -a root boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: enable service(s) of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: update db: /run/66/tree/0/boot-user to: /var/lib/66/system/boot-user/servicedirs/db/boot-user
66-update: info: dry run do: tree: boot-user updated successfully
66-update: info: dry run do: save state of tree: root
66-update: info: dry run do: save service(s) list of tree: root
66-update: info: dry run do: update /run/66/tree/0/root to: /tmp/root:sFFnDL/root
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -R root
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -ncE -a root root
66-update: info: dry run do: enable service(s) of tree: root
66-update: info: dry run do: update db: /run/66/tree/0/root to: /var/lib/66/system/root/servicedirs/db/root
66-update: info: dry run do: tree: root updated successfully
66-update: info: dry run do: save state of tree: boot
66-update: info: dry run do: save service(s) list of tree: boot
66-update: info: dry run do: update /run/66/tree/0/boot to: /tmp/boot:oEQowI/boot
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -R boot
66-update: info: dry run do: 66-tree -l /run/66/ -n -a root boot
66-update: info: dry run do: enable service(s) of tree: boot
66-update: info: dry run do: update db: /run/66/tree/0/boot to: /var/lib/66/system/boot/servicedirs/db/boot
66-update: info: dry run do: tree: boot updated successfully

# ##############################################################

# 66-update
66-update: info: save state of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: save service(s) list of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: update /run/66/tree/0/boot-user to: /tmp/boot-user:pxtqD6/boot-user
66-tree: info: Deleted successfully: boot-user
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: boot-user
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: boot-user
66-update: info: enable service(s) of tree: boot-user
66-update: info: update db: /run/66/tree/0/boot-user to: /var/lib/66/system/boot-user/servicedirs/db/boot-user
66-update: info: tree: boot-user updated successfully
66-update: info: save state of tree: root
66-update: info: save service(s) list of tree: root
66-update: info: update /run/66/tree/0/root to: /tmp/root:Fyfl77/root
66-tree: info: Deleted successfully: root
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: root
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: root
66-tree: info: Set successfully: root as default
66-update: info: enable service(s) of tree: root
66-update: info: update db: /run/66/tree/0/root to: /var/lib/66/system/root/servicedirs/db/root
66-update: info: tree: root updated successfully
66-update: info: save state of tree: boot
66-update: info: save service(s) list of tree: boot
66-update: info: update /run/66/tree/0/boot to: /tmp/boot:08Ouk4/boot
66-tree: info: Deleted successfully: boot
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: boot
66-update: info: enable service(s) of tree: boot
66-update: info: update db: /run/66/tree/0/boot to: /var/lib/66/system/boot/servicedirs/db/boot
66-update: info: tree: boot updated successfully

# ################################################################

$ 66-update
66-update: info: save state of tree: openbox
66-update: info: save service(s) list of tree: openbox
66-update: info: update /run/66/tree/1000/openbox to: /tmp/openbox:OhKn6o/openbox
66-tree: info: Deleted successfully: openbox
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: openbox
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: openbox
66-tree: info: Set successfully: openbox as default
66-update: info: enable service(s) of tree: openbox
66-update: info: update db: /run/66/tree/1000/openbox to: /home/saleem/.66/system/openbox/servicedirs/db/openbox
66-update: info: tree: openbox updated successfully

# ################################################################

EDIT : Please Note this

Do I need to do anything further or I am done with updates successfully?
Since there are no problems with the dry run you need to update again without the -d option, both root and user.
Hi yee all,

Not sure I quite understand. Hence I'll bring these two three questions:
  1. Are the people who do not update with the testing sources also affected by the issues talked about in the present thread?
  2. Does the short procedure describes here also apply to the present case?
  3. Oh, and by the way, do I need to run these commands in a tty, or will a regular GUI-terminal do the job?
Sorry if these are naive questions. Like a Chinese proverb says: "If you ask a naive question, you may look like a fool a few minutes, but if you don't ask it, you sure will remain a fool all your life."

In advance, thanks to anyone who will help old Oneirosopher!

@ oneirosopher

First the 66-update command is not necessary for every update of the 66 package. This is a special requirement when the inner format of 66 change.
I will always warn user If an 66 ugrade needs to employ the 66-update tool. In other case just update the package and nothing is required at all.

1-see above
2-yes. This is really simple, first use "66-update -d" with root and regular user. No errors message pop up? Just make a real update with "66-update" command.
3-you can use it on tty or GUI, it's up to you. The 66-update do not change the current state of any services. So your X session will not be affected.
The reason I said above to run the 66-update was that I was under the impression that Saleem had not upgraded for a long while.
As I understand it, it would never hurt anything if you run it unnecessarily (Eric confirm?).
(Eric confirm?).
@ Éric & Fungalnet,

Thanks for clarifications! As for now, I'm quite busy writing a (very long) post that will sort well in the "Talk about" category. I'll confirm everything works well as soon as I have updated 66 (or report issue otherwise). Thanks again and sincere regards to the both of you.

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