
Today downloading wine from multilib repositories wasn't possible, because it reported it's dependent on systemd and lib32-systemd libs etc.
About 6 dependencies that aren't in Obarun.

First of all this isn't an issue related to obarun, but it's quite annoying how systemd is requiried to play some windows games from 2000-2010, systemd hasn't existed when these games were created hahah...

Downloading and compiling wine from source has done the trick. As with winetricks that downloads windows libraries required for some games, winetricks-git from aur has done the trick too... I have had to remove some dependencies from PKGBUILD though...

Well, should packages that aren't able to get installed because of systemd libs and that are in pacman.conf repositories available here on Obarun?????
Shouldn't wine PKGBUILD that is available here on Obarun repos be edited somehow??

I was quite annoyed when i noticed it needs some lib32-systemd libs... How cheeky...

How is it possible that void linux or hyperbola ships wine and doesn't require systemd??
jean-michel wroteAre you sure you have enabled obmultilib repository in your pacman.conf ?
SigLevel = Required
Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obmultilib
Oh wow, i haven't noticed that one... It does ship wine??

I have it now anyways, managed to compile it by myself, and change some stuff in PKGBUILD, so things r ok ;) .
fungalnet wrotewine tequila and rum, no Polish vodka though, sorry.
Alcohol is disgusting... And expensive :)
Imagine all money people spend for alcohol everyday went for obarun development instead...
Out of these two evil things, i prefer smoking.

edit: oh i know i used to drink lots of cocktails in the past when i was in uk, but these times are over haha ;P
  • [deleted]

It does ship wine??
Yes. I'm using it for my audio VST plugins
18 days later
edit: ok i had to unmatch arch multilib as well then... It's all ok now, wine installed.

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