Hello everyone.
I'm trying to enable libvirtd. I make a mistake somewhere, but I don't know where.

zander@ NB ~ % 66-enable libvirtd
66-enable: fatal: unable to parse service file: libvirtd: or its dependencies

zander@ NB [111] ~ % sudo 66-enable libvirtd
66-enable: fatal: unable to resolve source of graph for tree: root

Could you give me an advice please?
Thanks very much.
Please increase the verbosity and post the output:
% sudo 66-enable -v4 libvirtd
Also, please post the output of:
# sudo 66-intree
zander@ NB ~ % sudo 66-enable -v4 libvirtd
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_utils.c: read_svfile: 812): tracing: Read service file of : libvirtd from: /usr/lib/66/service/
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_deps: 109): tracing: Service : /usr/lib/66/service/libvirtd depends on : dbus
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_check_enabled: 54): warning: Ignoring: dbus service: already enabled
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_deps: 109): tracing: Service : /usr/lib/66/service/libvirtd depends on : virtlockd
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_utils.c: read_svfile: 812): tracing: Read service file of : virtlockd from: /usr/lib/66/service/
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_write.c: write_services: 110): tracing: Write service libvirtd ...
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_write: 101): tracing: write resolve file of: libvirtd
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_write: 105): tracing: Service written successfully: libvirtd
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_write.c: write_services: 110): tracing: Write service virtlockd ...
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_write: 101): tracing: write resolve file of: virtlockd
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_write: 105): tracing: Service written successfully: virtlockd
66-enable(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: ssexec_enable: 180): fatal: unable to resolve source of graph for tree: root
zander@ NB ~ % sudo 66-intree
Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : system-hostname mount-run populate-run mount-tmp populate-tmp
               mount-proc mount-sys populate-sys mount-dev mount-pts
               mount-shm populate-dev mount-cgroups 00 modules-kernel udevd
               all-Mount udevadm devices-dmraid devices-btrfs devices-crypttab
               devices-lvm devices-zfs system-Devices system-fontnkey
               system-fsck mount-fstab system-hwclock system-random
               modules-system system-sysctl all-System mount-rw local-time
               mount-swap local-iptables local-ip6tables local-loop
               local-sethostname local-authfiles local-tmpfiles local-rc
               local-dmesg all-Local all-Runtime All tty12

Name         : boot-user
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : mount-run-zander setenv-zander scandir-zander-log scandir-zander

Name         : root
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : boot-user
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : tty@ tty2 lightdm-log dbus-log dbus lightdm networkmanager-log
               networkmanager openntpd-log openntpd acpid-log
               wpa_supplicant-log wpa_supplicant acpid tty@ tty1
I think you hit a bug here.
Let me the time to check what's happen please.

EDIT: Confirmed, you hit a really stupid bug :/
I will make an hot fix as soon as possible.
Thanks for your reports and you patience.

You can (if you don't want to wait for the fix) enable the service using the -F option like this
% sudo 66-enable -F libvirtd
It should enable the libvirtd service
Thank you very much.

I'll wait until it's fixed. Will you inform about the repair in this thread?

Please update your 66 package, new version is here ( and should resolve your issue. Also, a new version of libvirtd-66serv is here too.

Edit: Again many thanks for your bug report. This is really appreciated. This is how we make a software better. So much dev forget about the importance of user...
Already libvirtd works. Thank you very much. I don't like systemd, I like Obarun !!!!


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