I have recently gave another chance to get gentoo up and running...
Process of compiling everything from source is really nice... For example if somebody cooks you a meal like a chef in restaurant or friend, it's like he gives you binary package.
If you cook a meal for yourself, you know what food you like most therefore it's like compiling a meal from source for your needs...

Now i have read some docs on arch wiki, and downloaded some .pdf (linux kernel in nutshell) http://www.kroah.com/lkn/
I only wonder if to compile custom kernel, do i need fresh obarun installation?? Or i can give it a try from existing one???? And then at the end change the kernel from the one obarun provides to one i compiled

thanks :)
you can make what do you want with your system. "Everything in Unix is a files", so no need to reinstall the complete system.
Build you kernel with makepkg, install it with pacman and that's it.
Edit your pacman.conf and add linux to the IgnorePkg field. When you udpate your system the linux package coming from the repo will be not installed.
hmm doesn't makepkg belong just to AUR stuff??
Hmm, i am not sure if i understand you...

I mean more like downloading .tar.gz of linux kernel, configuring modules by myself like there is on gentoo with make menuconfig in /usr/src/linux., basically creating some custom kernel configured just for the device i am using...

I understand that binaries are nice. I could just go gentoo, although you can't be sure if they won't stop supporting openRC someday and go full systemd...
I also feel like giving myself a challenge of configuring some *BSD system with custom kernel, but i must learn and read lots of documentations first though
Okay sorry for this thread
I decided i am staying with 4.19 LTS from ob repositories :-)...
Can't beat this...

Thanks :-)

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