- Edited
Hail to yee all,
I think I can use some help... Lucky enough I have a second station (with Void) from which I'm writing this. I must relie on my memory to relate what follows.
My problem: unable to boot. The splashscreen (I hope that's the correct name) does display, with options Obarun | Obarun failsafe | etc.
And I can chose a boot-option with the arrows (Up/Down) but then, after pressing Enter, there's a 5 seconds countdown, it doesn't load anything, and back to splash and 5 seconds countdown again, doesn't load, etc, in a loop.
How I got to this situation: I installed kernel4.19lts, as suggested by fungalnet in a recent post. As far as I can tell, installation went without any issue (I checked the output). Tried to update-grub ("command not found" or something like this). Quite normal! I had forgotten I installed Obarun with Syslinux set as the bootloader (for a change!) :P...
Have NOT rebooted at once. I even made an update, and both kernels (the current 5.5 and the just-added 4.19) had updates.
I have not followed the Archwiki about Syslinux. I prefered to follow the dedicated page of the Obarun documentation, here: https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=syslinux
Juste in case, I made a copy of /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg under the very original name /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg_bak.
THEN, I edited the file, adding to it an entry of that kind:
LABEL Obarun-Linux
LINUX /boot/vmlinuz-linux
INITRD /boot/initramfs-linux.img
APPEND root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet net.ifnames=0
of which, of course, I modified the values, accordingly to:
1. the path given by the output of the kernel installation for INITRD and LINUX entries (not so sure for the latter though) and
2. for APPEND entry, accordingly to what was already written in the file in the APPEND section of the current kernel. By heart, I cannot tell, but instead of root=/dev/sda5, something like UUID= here-some-crazy-sequence-of-characters
Saved the file. THEN, reboot.
After reboot, the splash displayed the new entry I had just added in the config file (with an explicite name like Obarun-linux-4.19) so I was hoping everything would work. But THEN problem: no boot.
NOTA: I'm not in any despair and have not done the maximum yet. (I need to sleep a few hours first. So if you answer soon after I have submitted and get no answer from me, don't worry).
For instance, I could chroot (but I don't see much the point so far) or, instead, via a live-session of any OS providing a text-editor*, change the settings of /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
(* It seems obvious to you that any live-OS provides a text-editor? It did to me too. But not Void! No GUI-pad, no nano, no nothing! I tried with LXQt AND Mate editions... Same stupid policy.)
I'll chroot with a live-ISO, for instance, IF I have reasons to think I have to uninstall one of the two kernels --in that case, I'll keep 4.19 and throw 5.5.
But the thing is I don't have a notion of what I have missed...
Any clue welcome!
I think I can use some help... Lucky enough I have a second station (with Void) from which I'm writing this. I must relie on my memory to relate what follows.
My problem: unable to boot. The splashscreen (I hope that's the correct name) does display, with options Obarun | Obarun failsafe | etc.
And I can chose a boot-option with the arrows (Up/Down) but then, after pressing Enter, there's a 5 seconds countdown, it doesn't load anything, and back to splash and 5 seconds countdown again, doesn't load, etc, in a loop.
How I got to this situation: I installed kernel4.19lts, as suggested by fungalnet in a recent post. As far as I can tell, installation went without any issue (I checked the output). Tried to update-grub ("command not found" or something like this). Quite normal! I had forgotten I installed Obarun with Syslinux set as the bootloader (for a change!) :P...
Have NOT rebooted at once. I even made an update, and both kernels (the current 5.5 and the just-added 4.19) had updates.
I have not followed the Archwiki about Syslinux. I prefered to follow the dedicated page of the Obarun documentation, here: https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=syslinux
Juste in case, I made a copy of /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg under the very original name /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg_bak.
THEN, I edited the file, adding to it an entry of that kind:
LABEL Obarun-Linux
LINUX /boot/vmlinuz-linux
INITRD /boot/initramfs-linux.img
APPEND root=/dev/sda5 ro quiet net.ifnames=0
of which, of course, I modified the values, accordingly to:
1. the path given by the output of the kernel installation for INITRD and LINUX entries (not so sure for the latter though) and
2. for APPEND entry, accordingly to what was already written in the file in the APPEND section of the current kernel. By heart, I cannot tell, but instead of root=/dev/sda5, something like UUID= here-some-crazy-sequence-of-characters
Saved the file. THEN, reboot.
After reboot, the splash displayed the new entry I had just added in the config file (with an explicite name like Obarun-linux-4.19) so I was hoping everything would work. But THEN problem: no boot.
NOTA: I'm not in any despair and have not done the maximum yet. (I need to sleep a few hours first. So if you answer soon after I have submitted and get no answer from me, don't worry).
For instance, I could chroot (but I don't see much the point so far) or, instead, via a live-session of any OS providing a text-editor*, change the settings of /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
(* It seems obvious to you that any live-OS provides a text-editor? It did to me too. But not Void! No GUI-pad, no nano, no nothing! I tried with LXQt AND Mate editions... Same stupid policy.)
I'll chroot with a live-ISO, for instance, IF I have reasons to think I have to uninstall one of the two kernels --in that case, I'll keep 4.19 and throw 5.5.
But the thing is I don't have a notion of what I have missed...
Any clue welcome!