I have no clue, it seems like somethin is not synced????
# LC_ALL=C pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
obcore is up to date
obextra is up to date
obcommunity is up to date
obmultilib-testing is up to date
obmultilib is up to date
observice is up to date
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community-testing is up to date
community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (12) 66- at-spi2-atk-2.34.2-1 glib2-2.64.0-1
haskell-sandi-0.5-90 hedgewars-1.0.0-43 imagemagick-
libwbclient-4.10.8-3 linux-lts419-4.19.107-2 oblibs-
re2-1:20200101-1 smbclient-4.10.8-3 wayland-protocols-1.20-1
Total Download Size: 149.05 MiB
Total Installed Size: 302.08 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.01 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirrors.evowise.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.rackspace.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from ftp.hosteurope.de : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.fra10.de.leaseweb.net : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.metalgamer.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.metalgamer.eu : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.mikrogravitation.org : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.mikrogravitation.org : The requested URL returned error: 404
^Cerror: failed retrieving file 'haskell-sandi-0.5-90-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from ger.mirror.pkgbuild.com : The requested URL returned error: 404
Interrupt signal received
I checked on arch linux and there is 0.5-91 already available, 0.5-92 is staging.. So not sure why...