Am rhep, been distro hopping lately. Win7 crush was my final straw with microsuck. Been back and forth between linux and windows for years. Started linux life on redhat 4? if i remember right. Glad to see the dependency hunting die down from those days, lol. Past few days I've been all over different distros. Xubuntu, too many instabilities and code bloat. Fedora 31, off shoot of my redhat, has been going downhill for years, and I had my hopes up, only to have them dashed. Am a huge fan of slackware, am currently writing here on it but I really don't want to compile everything to make stuff work anymore.

Read about obarun repositories and that piqued my interest. What I am really after is a gaming system, aka wine, lutris, playonlinux. Did a wine search here and it looks promising. Am hoping for slackware performance with package support. Love me some xfce and hope that couples well with obarun.

Well, usb is done, time to make the switch, fingers crossed.
  • [deleted]

Hi rhep and welcome aboard the Obarun :)

I'm a gamer too and musician. Wine is not a problem because I use it for my audio VST plugins. I never used lutris or playonlinux. if you encounter any problem with these two software do not hesitate to report it in the appropriate section of the forum. Eric and I are here to improve the user experience under Obarun.

As for me, I'm using Plasma/KDE for my daily work and a custom Lxqt with JWM window manager for gaming and audio production.

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