Today I finally suceeded in install Obarun JWM properly.I managed to trash my previous install doing "66-" things that I still don't understand. Hopefully "# pacman -Syu" frequently should keep things running long enough for me to understand the "non-systemd init" things I need to know.
Other than wasting my time in xterm & uxterm & st where the "end" and "Del" keys don't work...
Yes I did find "terminator" to solve my key issues.
So far so good ... even my @ igur_chubin weather scripts work fine.
Very fast on my i5 w/ 8GB RAM and 4 HDs.
A BIG thanks to Eric & whoever are the other contributers.

The EASY custom install for all my favorite apps, even from AUR, on installation was AMAZING.

Afterwards I couldn't find an AUR installer so I just cp yay over from Endeavouros.

After the pain of paying this years taxes ends, I plan to donate something.

My best to all,
Hi and welcome,
thanks for your kind word.
About AUR, every user here employ is own solution but you can find two interesting thing on Obarun. The first is cower(on obextra repo), a simple soft with KISS in mind and pacopts (on obextra too) which is a wrapper around cower (see pacopts man page). But these solutions do not provide features that you can find with e.g yay. It's up to you :)
Welcome aboard sailor!
RI, weather scripts ... I smell salt already. I should make a bronze stained mahogany and teak openbox theme :)

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