I saw that Obarun existed, and without Systemd. So I installed it in a VM to test it and it worked out great! Neat and lean and fast. The opposite of bloated even with Xfce as DE. Yes I'm an Xfce guy since Ubuntu started with Unity many moons ago. I've always had a few machines running and it's been Ubuntu and Arch on them. Some years ago I quit Arch in favor of Xubuntu because of time issues.

I haven't done Windoze in many years. It's so frustrating to see the whole world falling for crap. It's a parallell to Systemd I think. Many distros adjusted to it and it just took over. The cup ran over when I noticed that systemd had taken over resolveconf and slowed surfing down by pointing to It was a small endaevour to get rid of that and take control again, but it sped up my surfing alot.

Installing Obarun was fun indeed! Luckily I remembered some of my Arch knowledge and managed to format and partition correctly for the installer. After installation I always try to check for unecessary services and that was interesting! For a newcomer there are a lot of "66-commands"! I had to ask on this forum for guidance just to list running services, but I got excellent help form eric. Although I managed to disable a service by myself. And there aren't many services running per default on Obarun.

Next small annoying problem was that in the terminal the cursor always was at the beginning of a line. Very confusing at first. It took some googling to understand that $SHELL was set to zsh and I'm used to bash! I fixed it and it's great. But it shows my newbie level, I think.

Beginning in a VM is a bit to play on the safe side but I think I will wipe my music studio machine and install Obarun on it. I think it will be ok since I compile the DAW Ardour myself, which is the main app on that machine.

I think eric does a very very nice job and it is invaluable to have this alternative. I'm very sceptic about Canonicals choices for the future (snap, netplan and more...). And Arch going to systemd.

By the way, this forum as way better than most I've seen - both the interfaces and the function. Good choice!

Be Safe all!

/Mr Åke Svensson, Sweden
It took me a while to adjust to zsh, but not just any zsh bur .zshrc as set by obarun. Now I can not stand bash longer than it takes me to type zsh->enter. It works on any distro I've copied it to except for the ones that are debian based... at least autocompletion doesn't.

For the 66 I suggest you read the intoduction to 66 on the wiki, which concentrates at the very essential to get you going from an installation from scratch (building your own system based on obarun's pacman).

I found this new new distribution called mabox (manjaro and openbox) which I am writing a review combined with its transformation to s6/66. It is like obarun but using manjaro as base instead of arch (same thing really, some funky graphics, and a week's worth more stable/tested arch. The transition used to be more complicated but now it is even quicker and more fun.
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Hello webaake and welcome aboard the Obarun

Another musician on Obarun, that good :)
I'm waiting for a stable release of Ardour 6 to test all the MIDI stuff with midi editing part and also everything related to LV2 and VST v2 and v3. I hope that all work done during all the years will benefit to the user with at least better and expended MIDI integration in Ardour 6.
Thank you for the welcome!

I have tested Ardour 6 (compiled myself on Ubuntu 18.04) and it works on my very very simple setup. I record mostly live guitar in stereo and some small drumbeats with Drumgizmo. So not much MIDI I'm afraid. I started with MIDI many moons ago with a Mac Classic II with astonishing 4 megabytes of RAM and Cubase 1.0 and two synths. Those were the days!

But as we speak, I'm making room on my music computer for Obarun install and throwing Ubuntu out on that machine. And I'll install Ardour from Aur or just download the source code and compile it. I find this community very interesting and Obarun also, so I'm hoping to experience some fun learning adventures!
I play some guitar as well but analogue electric guitar is as far as I go with electricity in music. I've never really tried to record anything, although I'd like to try, so maybe we can start a musical thread. I play blues almost exclusively, although I listen to other music as well. I find some backing and play along with whatever comes up.
Munerje I know is a drummer, maybe we can get an obarun band playing, but how do we deal with real time synchronization I don't know. Possibly layer it, drum, base, lead, solo, :)
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but how do we deal with real time synchronization I don't know.
From what I've read this can be done with the mix of different technologies. Real-time_Transport_Protocol for example with the mix of real-time software synchonisation with Jack Audio Conection Kit.

This could be fun to try, together. :)
Yeah, I'm into blues too! Just got my setup working with Ardor/Jack/Alsa. Installed the drum plugin Drumgizmo which I like for midi drums in Ardour. For guitar I have two half stacks with stereo ability into a Focusrite 2in4 and then Obarun with Ardour (Aur).

Just started but I can make sounds!

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