I see there is a 66-serv for postgreSQL but when trying to install it, I'm getting a message that postgreSQL depends on systemd-libs. Am I doing something wrong or has something changed?
many thanks for your report.

Just synchronize and try again.
Thanks much! It did install, but I got this message at the end:
(2/2) Creating temporary files ...
chattr: Operation not supported while setting flags on /var/lib/postgres/data
error: command failed to execute correctly

I'll see if that causes me any problems.
please make a report if you get an issues. Maybe the service is not correct

EDIT: yes the service isn't correct
Please synchronize and install the new version of postgresql-66serv, then
# 66-enable -F -C -t <tree> postgresql
replace <tree> by the good one for you
Synced, uninstalled and deleted /var/lib/postgres. Reinstalled and still get that message. Trying to bludgeon my way through but don't really know what I'm doing. Can't start the server as root. Trying to start as user postgres says it cannot create lock file /run/postgresql/blahblahblah. Can't start the service.

Edit: Didn't see your message. I'll try that again.
i think pure Arch get the error message too but it should not avoid you to start the service
# 66-start -t dev -v4 postgresql
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_start.c: ssexec_start: 325): tracing: sanitize classic services list...
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_start.c: ssexec_start: 328): tracing: start classic services list ...
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_svctl.c: ssexec_svctl: 546): info: Already up: postgresql-log
66-start(src/lib66/svc_init_pipe.c: svc_init_pipe: 51): tracing: clean up fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/postgresql/event
66-start(src/lib66/svc_init_pipe.c: svc_init_pipe: 55): tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/postgresql/event
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_svctl.c: svc_writectl: 401): tracing: send signal: u to: /run/66/scandir/0/postgresql/supervise
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_svctl.c: announce: 257): info: unable to start postgresql
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_svctl.c: write_state: 230): tracing: Write state file of: postgresql
66-start(src/lib66/ssexec_start.c: ssexec_start: 330): fatal: unable to start classic services list

Edit: Oops. Thought I'd put this in first: I again removed postgresql & postgresql-66serv. Deleted the /var/lib/postgres directory. Went through the steps you sent and the above is what I get.
ok got it.
So, first synchronize again the postgresql-66serv

Now remove the log directory
# rm -rf /var/log/66/postgresql
remove all file inside the /var/lib/postgres/data directory

log as postgres user from root and init the db
# su -l postgres
[postgres@ S6 ~]$ initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
you should get something like
Success. You can now start the database server using:

    pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/data -l logfile start
enable again the service with force option
# 66-enable -t dev -C -F postgresql
start it
# 66-start -t dev postgresql
[color=# FF0000]it will fail[/color]. this is expected. well apparently a little bug exist at s6-log program. I need to discuss with dev from s6 about that.
Anyway now change the owner of the log directory
# chown -R postgres:postgres /var/log/66/postgresql
the service should run now properly. check it with
# 66-inservice postgresql
If you have any other issues, please report it.
Many thanks for those reports. This is really appreciated when people help to debug :)

EDIT: also, please synchronize to get the last postgresql package version. This release should solve your error at installation time.
EDIT2: i just saw that the previous version of postgresql package(12.2-2) crash the boot sequence. If this happen for you, just past to the tty12(CTRL+ALT+F12), log on, install the new version(12.2-3) and reboot.
LOL. I just spent 2 hours trying to figure out why my computer wouldn't boot. Finally got it working by entering the root password and then "su - <myusername>". None of my guesses as to why it wouldn't boot were right. I don't even remember all I tried--even recompiled my kernel. Anyway, I decided that it appeared to be working more or less and then saw your message. It looks like postgresql is working but my computer still doesn't boot correctly. Probably something I messed up while trying to fix it.

Oddly enough, it didn't fail where you said it would and postgres was already the owner:group for that file. You might want to edit your message for the chown command in case some idiot like me tries to follow it blindly. Should be postgres:postgres.

Thanks very much for the help!
Should be postgres:postgres.
ooppss, fixed thanks

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