- Edited
I see there is a 66-serv for postgreSQL but when trying to install it, I'm getting a message that postgreSQL depends on systemd-libs. Am I doing something wrong or has something changed?
# 66-enable -F -C -t <tree> postgresql
replace <tree> by the good one for you# rm -rf /var/log/66/postgresql
remove all file inside the /var/lib/postgres/data directory# su -l postgres
[postgres@ S6 ~]$ initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
you should get something like
Success. You can now start the database server using:
pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/data -l logfile start
enable again the service with force option
# 66-enable -t dev -C -F postgresql
start it
# 66-start -t dev postgresql
[color=# FF0000]it will fail[/color]. this is expected. well apparently a little bug exist at s6-log program. I need to discuss with dev from s6 about that.# chown -R postgres:postgres /var/log/66/postgresql
the service should run now properly. check it with
# 66-inservice postgresql
If you have any other issues, please report it.ooppss, fixed thanksShould be postgres:postgres.
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