I've been using pacopts with great results but there's a mystery sometimes. In 4 cases of 6 from AUR pacopts can't find the final install package like so:
install :: 0.9.4-5

error: no results found
:: 0.9.4-5 doesn't exist
You have to manually go to /tmp and run pacman -U package-name.pkg.tgz. Is it pacopts or is at just a bad PKGBUILD file from AUR?
No big problem and pacopts does its job. I know PKGBUILD and they can be as good as there coder. Or not.... :) :)
Difficult to answer you without more precision. Did you have a package name to test it?
Yes, this in AUR "dexed 0.9.4-5" (pacopts aur -I dexed 0.9.4-5
). It's a plugin to Ardour. It's only an example because I've had a couple before that, that didn't install the whole way thru, but two installed right away. It's as pacopts can't find the path to /tmp/"package" in some cases.
More info from pacman.log during pacopts install process - note the "reinstalled":
Running 'pacman -U --noconfirm ardour-git-6.0.pre1.r156.g6c6bea26ad-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'
[2020-04-06T10:18:41+0200] [ALPM] transaction started
[2020-04-06T10:18:42+0200] [ALPM] installed ardour-git (6.0.pre1.r156.g6c6bea26ad-1)
[2020-04-06T10:18:42+0200] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2020-04-06T10:18:42+0200] [ALPM] running 'update-desktop-database.hook'...
[2020-04-06T10:20:22+0200] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -U ardour-git-6.0.pre1.r156.g6c6bea26ad-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'
[2020-04-06T10:20:24+0200] [ALPM] transaction started
[2020-04-06T10:20:25+0200] [ALPM] reinstalled ardour-git (6.0.pre1.r156.g6c6bea26ad-1)
[2020-04-06T10:20:26+0200] [ALPM] transaction completed
[2020-04-06T10:20:26+0200] [ALPM] running 'update-desktop-database.hook'...
"reinstalled" is me manually doing "pacman -U ...." in the tmp dir. Next time this happens I will check in desktop if it's really installed, which it seems to be.
Seems that pacopts sends the right path to pacman but that sometimes there's something else missing at the end. Well, no biggie, but a maybe an Easter mystery? :)
Ahh, might have figured it out;
running 'update-desktop-database.hook'...
which comes just before the "not found" message gives a clue.

Some apps doesn't have a .desktop file, of course, because they are only used in terminal/console.
Sorry for my late answer, i very very busy between answering at the forum, answering at the irc chat, answering at email and preparing the new version of 66, boot-66serv, ...
I work 12 hours per day on Obarun and without any money entering in my pocket (this is the same thing for all Obarun team members).
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Anyway, currently i have no time to investigate what's happen at pacopts. I will investigate it as soon as possible. For the moment you can use any AUR helper of your choice.
Thanks for your patience and many many thanks for your reports.
i did a quick to see what happens. So tried to install dexed and no problem.(pacopts aur -I dexed)

Please give me a list of different packages that you're not able to install.
I'll be keeing note of this. I'll also go thru my pacman logs.

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