This is extra weird, my system is up to date ("Nothing to do" [except qt5-base which I downgraded]) and has:
extra/qt5-quickcontrols2 5.14.1-1 (qt qt5) [installed]
Same for all qt5 modules of this arc like qt5-svg, qt5-webengine, qt5-graphicaleffects and so on. They're all 5.14.1-1!?
  • [deleted]

This is extra weird
Indeed. On my system:

local/qt5-quickcontrols 5.14.2-1 (qt qt5)
Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create classic desktop-style user interfaces
local/qt5-quickcontrols2 5.14.2-1 (qt qt5)
I just noticed, from the log above of the 66-intree do you notice anything strange?

I do, ck wants dbus running to start otherwise it throws an errror.
               ├─(3150,Enabled,longrun) sddm-log                              5
               ├─(1784,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log                               1
               ├─(1790,Enabled,longrun) dbus                                     3
               ├─(3154,Enabled,longrun) sddm                                    6
               ├─(1785,Enabled,longrun) consolekit-log                       2
               ├─(1797,Enabled,longrun) consolekit                             4
Is this normal and expected process number order? You can't tell much when one of them fails to start as there is no process number.
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Is this normal and expected process number order
As Eric explained to me, the order in the graph is from the top to the bottom. But consolekit should start before sddm.
please guys update your sddm-66serv. It should now start after consolekit if the consolekit service is present on your system.

@ fungalnet
jm said right, the graph show you the order of the start process from top to bottom. the first one is the first started
So you are saying that sddm starts before consolekit? In my experience when I tried this manually with ck not running sddm failed, on jm's live lxqt.

Anyway, this must be a problem with theme and sddm.conf as I updated a system with sddm running for a long while and no porblems. It has a theme aur/sddm-theme-abstractdark-git if this is expected to make a difference, the DE is xfce. Dbus is running but ck is nowhere to be found on that system ... all well :)
Jean Michel is this still an issue? Maybe more people could chime in and test my theme here? I'm still worried.

Btw.: I noticed my pacman mirrors were outdated. After updating them I suddenly had all the correct versions pop up. I honestly didn't know that a whole mirrorlist can fall behind in versioning over time...
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Hi marianarlt

Don't be worried. I'm on it.
First I must finish updating some Obarun packages because of the new libffi and it's the most important. An update is available and resolve some problems, now I am building samba.

About your themes and Sugar Dark theme. I built a pkgbuild and installed the theme on my main computer and everything work very well.
I will build the Sugar Light theme and test it too.

Sugar Dark and Light theme will be available on obcommunity repo.
  • [deleted]


Sugar Dark and Light theme are available on obcommunity repo. You don't have to be worried marianarlt, everything works very well. Sugar Dark and Sugar Light have been tested, with default configuration and with a custom background, no problems.

So, there is only an issue with my live iso.
  • [deleted]

I just realized one thing. I don't have the transparency with Sugar Light like on my Live iso.

There is a difference between the file found at and the file on github ?
I used the file found on for my Live Iso and I have the transparency.
But with the file from github used on my main machine I do not have the transparency.
Both Sugar Light and Sugar Dark are somewhat unmaintained by now and the Github repo may not reflect the latest changes found on to begin with.
This is mainly due to the fact that is what formerly was known as opendesktop and now generates micro payments to content creators on that platform.
Apparently this made for a lot of people (including myself) pushing products trying to make a dime. There's basically two types: Those who create quality work and those who clone quality work and reupload it in masses. The latter usually make way more money...
Its a weird platform and the payout is not huge (lately getting smaller every month because of missing donations [sounds familiar? :/]) but it's enough to pay some food where I live. I have several very in-depth comments on this mechanism on their discussion boards.
Sugar Candy is basically my successor, rewritten from scratch with cleaner, more efficient code and tons of options. But the latest and most recent version will always be reflected by the pling files because of that reason.
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Both Sugar Light and Sugar Dark are somewhat unmaintained by now and the Github repo may not reflect the latest changes found on
Ho really! ...

In this case where is the Sugar Candy theme on your github ? I do not see it.

EDIT: I found it, what a labyrinth lol.

Thx marianarlt

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