You can't answer simple questions, this is going nowhere. Ctrl-Shift F12 in hard installation, right control F12 on virtualbox should produce tty12

It is important to at least say whether this is possible or not.
If you only have one disk on virtualbox it should be sda (/dev/sda) the first partition is /dev/sda1)
From the live image as root:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
arch-chroot /mnt zsh
66-intree -zg

You have midori in the JWM image, get to obarun forum and copy from terminator the output here

It is not happening to anybody else there is something peculiar here, and it is of interest.
I am beggining to wonder whether the mirrors used on installation and the country selected points to a messed up arch mirror that is out of sync.
Ok ok.. calm sorry I know I'm frustrating people.. Ok tty12 does work.

Here is the output from the live image as root.
oblive@ ob66 ~ % su
ob66# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
ob66# arch-chroot /mnt zsh
ob66# 66-intree -zg
Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(287,Enabled,classic) tty12
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-proc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-pts
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-shm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-cgroups
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) 00
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hwclock
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-kernel
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-random
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-system
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-sysctl
               ├─(505,Enabled,longrun) udevd
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) udevadm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fontnkey
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) devices-dmraid
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) devices-btrfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) devices-crypttab
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) devices-lvm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) devices-zfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) system-Devices
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Mount
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fsck
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-fstab
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-System
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-rw
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-ip6tables
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-tmpfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-iptables
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-loop
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-time
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-authfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-rc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-dmesg
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-swap
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-sethostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Local
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) all-Runtime
               └─(up,Enabled,bundle) All

Name         : desktop
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : root system obarun-session
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->backup
Contents     : /
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) consolekit-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) consolekit
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) sddm-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) sddm
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) networkmanager-log
               └─(0,Enabled,longrun) networkmanager

Name         : obarun-session
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : root system
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->backup
Contents     : /
               ├─(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run-obarun
               ├─(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) setenv-obarun
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) scandir-obarun-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) scandir-obarun
               └─(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) All-obarun

Name         : root
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(801,Enabled,classic) tty@ tty2
               └─(802,Enabled,classic) tty@ tty1

Name         : system
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : root
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->backup db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(0,Enabled,classic) sshd-log
               └─(0,Enabled,classic) sshd

Hoping I did this right. Thanks for your help and continued great patience
so please provide the output of
cat /run/66/log/0/current
Here is the output of - cat /run/66/log/0/current
oblive@ ob66 ~ % su
ob66# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
ob66# arch-chroot /mnt zsh
ob66# cat /run/66/log/0/current
@ 400000005eade2ab2ecb8f0f [Initiate db of tree boot...]
@ 400000005eade2ab3a6afa20 [Start db services of tree boot...]
@ 400000005eade2ac071fca39 [system-hostname] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac0754e9d3 [system-hostname] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac1815e5bc [populate-run] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac18d95955 [populate-sys] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac19332cc8 [mount-shm] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac19580653 [populate-dev] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac195d69bd [mount-pts] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac1d1291b7 [devices-zfs] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2ac1d62248d [mount-tmp] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac1d73f0b3 [mount-cgroups] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac1dc82365 [mount-tmp] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac1dd204c2 [mount-shm] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac1ddf04d9 [mount-pts] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac1dface4b [populate-tmp] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac2c0f0e58 [populate-dev] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac2cb1891e [populate-sys] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac2dd0dbfe [populate-run] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac2dd6fe27 [populate-tmp] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac31f651c1 [mount-cgroups] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ac3293178b [modules-kernel] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac32a2c285 [system-random] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac32dccc76 [system-hwclock] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac32f33306 [system-sysctl] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac330dfecf [modules-system] starts...
@ 400000005eade2ac3a46105e kernel.sysrq = 1
@ 400000005eade2ac3a461645 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
@ 400000005eade2ac3a461a18 fs.protected_hardlinks = 1
@ 400000005eade2ac3a461e87 fs.protected_symlinks = 1
@ 400000005eade2ac3a4620eb fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 1024
@ 400000005eade2ac3a4622e4 fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
@ 400000005eade2ac3a650535 [system-sysctl] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ad09c0a0b1 [system-hwclock] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ad0ef909ee /usr/lib/66/scripts/ No modules found -- nothing to do
@ 400000005eade2ad0f1ab2b2 [modules-system] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ae0bebfa4e [modules-kernel] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2ae0c2b8f02 [udevd] starts...
@ 400000005eade2af213c9f8f [udevadm] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b20a7b41be [udevadm] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b20bb751dc [devices-lvm] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b20bb759b2 [system-fontnkey] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b20bd85f3e [devices-crypttab] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b20bff0999 [devices-dmraid] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b20c098f81 [devices-btrfs] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b21eed3694 [system-fontnkey] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b21fc1728e [system-fsck] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b22088c2f2 [system-fsck] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b22109b90e [mount-fstab] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b22124e7be [mount-fstab] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b221955e7c [mount-rw] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b221ccb507 [mount-rw] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b222dea714 [local-sethostname] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b223184e1f [local-time] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b223565e53 [local-tmpfiles] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b2235d03fd [local-authfiles] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b22372bb66 [local-ip6tables] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b223b8c5f7 [local-iptables] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b223d26e5c [mount-swap] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b223e7bca6 [local-authfiles] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b223fbbf17 [local-loop] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b2240470da [local-time] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b22868cddb _d /var/lib/colord 0755 colord colord 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22ab04712 _d /var/lib/colord/icc 0755 colord colord 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22b029889 [local-loop] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b22b0d4445 _d /run/ConsoleKit 0755 0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22b3de699 _d /run/cryptsetup 0700 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22b6c9cca _d /run/dbus 0755 0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22b9bba76 _w /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload - 0 0 0 1
@ 400000005eade2b22b9e41fc _d /var/cache/man 0755 root root 1w 
@ 400000005eade2b22bcf9d37 _d /run/initramfs 0755 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22bf950f9 _d /run/nscd 0755 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c2dc33d _C /etc/crypttab  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c41b0b9 _C /etc/fstab  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c446b71 _C /etc/group  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c46d275 _C /etc/gshadow  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c497cb2 _C /etc/host.conf  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c4c2ba2 _C /etc/hosts  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c4ec813 _C /etc/issue  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c514255 _C /etc/  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c545ccd _C /etc/motd  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c576b5d _C /etc/nsswitch.conf  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c59fdfe _C /etc/passwd  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c5c87a8 _C /etc/profile  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c62ac3c _C /etc/securetty  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c65b5f4 _C /etc/shadow  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c68bbb4 _C /etc/shells  0 0 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22c6c5135 _d /var/empty 0755 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22ca4df4f _d /run/sudo 0711 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22ce25993 _D /run/sudo/ts 0700 root root 0 
@ 400000005eade2b22d2deef6 [local-tmpfiles] started successfully
@ 400000005eade2b22dddc326 [local-rc] deactivated
@ 400000005eade2b22e310598 [local-dmesg] starts...
@ 400000005eade2b22fd45439 [local-dmesg] started successfully
please don't do it from chroot. Boot normally, enter your root password at sulogin prompt and make the cat command
Ok.. I tried that several times before and virtualbox and my host machine lock up for about a minute then the only thing I get is root over and over.
Ob66# _
Like this.. after about a minute there is some code there that mentions fatal in it but I cannot copy it because the host and guest are frozen.
when they become unfrozen the code is gone and all there is is the "Ob66# " over and over
ha great, with the log it's easy to know what's happens and how to solve your issue.
So, chroot your system (or do it from the tty12, it's up to you) then:
rm -rf /var/log/66/sshd
this will remove your sshd log directories
now force to enable again the sshd daemon, this will recreate the log directories
# 66-enable -t system -F -C sshd
if the log output do not show any other error than the log issue, you should be able to boot properly.
Ok.. I tried that several times before and virtualbox and my host machine lock up for about a minute then the only thing I get is root over and over.
finally another user report this issue. I have the same problem with virtualbox from a linux version above 5.4.6-arch3-1. This force me to not make new ISO because it broke the installer.
So to be honest i don't have any ideas of what's happens for now and i don't find anything on the net about this. I was thinking that i had the only one with this problem, apparently not.
Ok tried from tty12 and rebooted. Still stuck at -
Obarun Linux 5.6.8-arch1-1 (tty1) Sun May 3 2020 09:07:39 Linux

Ob66 login: trying to run a sulogin command
Give root password for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):
Got it running!! You're the man eric.. thanks!

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