this topic is related to

Got it :)
It was a very very obscur bug, the build process does not accept a long path directory name 0_o. Change the working directory for building do the thing. no connection with my pkgbuild declaration (i felt really stupid with this F@ ^# \ package)
Anyway i pushed it on obarun_testing, because some patch was added on it, need deeply test :). See commit github

@ Sign_a_file ?
i feel a little stupid lol, i never made it because, as you said, isn't a good solution.

Many thanks for your help and research bit , really appreciate (added you on the pkgbuild).
eric wroteSee commit github
# Disable crypto hardening settings for now
+//pref("security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback", false);
+//pref("security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts.use_static_list", false);
+//pref("security.tls.version.min", 1);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_md5", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_des_ede3_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_md5", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.rsa_des_ede3_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
+//pref("security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_rc4_128_sha", false);
Woah! What?! Wtf?! No, NO, NO!
parabola bug 842 wrote website is not working correctly
DId parabola SERIOUSLY enable WEAK ciphers over facebook failing?!
Have they lost their mind? Was someone there drinking to many?!
This isn't icecats fault, some sites do have weak ciphers and it should NEVER be enabled!!

I'm going to test it over the weekend but I'm commenting OUT and removing that patch, and you should too.
As a alternative, remove the patch and make a post about the parabola bug then leave an option for people to disable it themselves,
If users want to fuck themselves over that would be their choice.

Theres also this...
You are ABSOLUTLY right, i saw about facebook and i thought : if it touch a large site like this that the patch is needed. But i have not doing my fucking work correctly, i haven't made a research about that. And you now the worse, i don't use facebook lol (on my hosts file : :D).
So i will make the change.
eric wrotei don't use facebook lol
I don't either which is also the point I was insisting lol. Furthermore I don't trust the cdn that they are harping about ( which [fail]book primarily uses. firefox addon called Decentraleyes takes care of that though.
eric wroteif it touch a large site like this that the patch is needed.
There is absolutely no damn reason why they disabled the hardening in the first place, because if you go through the mailing list discussion.The issue wasn't about all those ciphers it was because of mozillas Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) requirement and even then that shouldn't of been disabled by default. For shame, parabola.
eric wroteSo i will make the change.
Thanks :), security is one thing I will *never* slip pass. (especially if its called "disable-security-ciphers" lol, nope)
changements were made
eric wroteAnyway i pushed it on obarun_testing, because some patch was added on it, need deeply test
==> Finished making: icecat 38.7.1-2 (Sat Apr 16 17:24:33 [XXX] 2016)
==> Installing package icecat with pacman -U...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) icecat-38.7.1-2

Total Installed Size:  92.57 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [# #####################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [# #####################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                        [# #####################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                  [# #####################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space                [# #####################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) installing icecat                            [# #####################] 100%
Optional dependencies for icecat
    networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks
    gst-plugins-good: h.264 video
    gst-libav: h.264 video
    upower: Battery API
==> Removing installed dependencies...
checking dependencies...

Packages (2) imake-1.0.7-1  yasm-1.3.0-1

Total Removed Size:  4.92 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] Y
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) removing yasm                                [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) removing imake                               [# #####################] 100%
taco@ zen icecat % 
warning: ignoring package replacement (icecat-38.7.1-2 => icecat-bin-38.7.1-1)
warning: icecat: local (38.7.1-2) is newer than obarun (38.4.0-1)
 there is nothing to do
Icecat from the obarun-testing git compiled fine. Can you replace the old icecat from the obarun repo with a binary from the testing git, add a signature to it and remove icecat-bin? Please :)
thank for testing the pkgbuild but
$ sudo pacman -Sy obarun_testiong/icecat
can be more simplier for you :)
Anyway, package was pushed on obarun repo :)
@ add a signature
no I do not want to :D
eric wrotecan be more simplier for you
I wanted to test *building* it first, as I thought that's what you implied by this.
eric wrote Anyway i pushed it on obarun_testing, because some patch was added on it, need deeply test
Although yes, I could have installed the *binary* from testing but that's not what I intended by "testing" it.
eric wroteno I do not want to :D
Haha. :)
19 days later
Note: sorry for necromancing I'll move this post to a different thread if you want
For the next icecat release (since it would need to be repacked anyway (see: icu hell) ) I propose a feature request: Disable dbus and necko-wifi (a bastard child of dbus) :). This of course would have to go into obarun-testing before moving it to the main repo, But I'd be more than glad to test it. As far as I can see dbus is useless, as seen on mozillas wiki for modules dbus (0) relies on bluetooth and necko-wifi relies on geolocation (1) (bad for security)

This can be done by adding this to mozconfig:
ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi
ac_add_options --disable-dbus
The reason for this is that I would prefer dbus to dependent on the absolute minimum (or at best, Not at all!)

(0) Firefox
@ sorry for necromancing
You are not on archlinux forum Here lol, not problem

Agree with your post, i will test it as soon as possible
eric wroteAgree with your post, i will test it as soon as possible
Awesome! Thanks for your support :)
5 days later
trying to compile the last version 38.8.0, compilation error for the moment pfffff.

note : the last gcc break the compilation for the old package too
eric wrotenote : the last glibc break the compilation for the old package too
Can you post any specific errors??

Update: I went along with trying to build it and of course it failed.
This is what I got [0]

Update2: gcc5 from the aur failed for me(*) ;_; not going to try gcc49 yet gcc{47,49} aiso failed...If I haven't expressed how much i hate gcc6. well, Its the worst thing I have ever fucking delt with. I fucking hate it.

I can bet money the reason why we had no issues building 38.7 is that icecat was built with gcc 5.x at the time. But this time it is building/failing with gcc 6.1 and the annoying part is that it's been a bug for 4 months and it seems the devs [1] put off [2] fixing it [3] aarrgghh! [4][5]. Which leads me to believe GCC 6 is probably so buggy right now that no one seems to know why. Although I didn't notice anything about glibc, I might have missed it if it presented itself.

It doesn't even look like they made a changelog yet [6] so I'm guessing its still in testing

Edit: I have a bad feeling about this [7]
Jonathan Wakely 2016-01-22 12:56:16 UTC wrote Specifically, if you build GCC against glibc before;h=d9b965fa56350d6eea9f7f438a0714c7ffbb183f and then update glibc to a snapshot of 2.22 from git master after that commit, libstdc++ will not work.
Edit: It appears more programs are having issues with gcc 6, like palemoon (a fork of firefox) [8] and cataclysm-dda. [9] Does this happen alot with arch? because its starting to really piss me off.

[7] c2

P.S Theres only 2 distributions that have gcc 6, fedora rawhide and archlinux. Everyone else has gcc 5.x
I have a theory, because gcc 6 is so unstable not even gentoo has touched it yet.

@ Can you post any specific errors??
@ This is what I got [0]
same for me

@ Does this happen alot with arch
a lot, not, but happen

BTW, parabola seem to build the new version with gcc 6;1'm currently testing......

@ Although I didn't notice anything about glibc
@ note : the last glibc break the compilation for the old package too
written error
i don't find any real information about how to fix the trouble. Maybe the issue come from obarun system.... i doubt

your link here is interesting ,

WTF Taking a git release, grrrr, i don't like this ...

you can find the pkgbuild here
Obviously, compilation fail for the moment

@ If I haven't expressed how much i hate gcc6
for me it is not gcc6 that i hate, but this kind of package. Compilation take almost the same time that a kernel pffff, incredible. I waste my time with this F@ ]# `[{| package lol.

note: a lot of commit about libstdc;a=shortlog;pg=1
i will try to compile the gcc package with the last commit then i will try to compile icecat
eric wroteBTW. parabola seem to build the new version with gcc 6
The key word here is seem[ed], It is not known whether they compiled it with gcc 6, 5 or 4 but that also makes me eager to contact the last maintainer to find out how he compiled it and or with what version of gcc and why he orphaned the package.
eric wrote the last glibc break the compilation for the old package too written error
Do you see the theme here? It isn't glibc, all of the bug reports I've posted lead to either gcc or gcc-libs *not* glibc
Like this one for instance:
taco@ zen ~ % pacman -Qo /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ is owned by gcc-libs 6.1.1-1
eric wroteMaybe the issue come from obarun system.... i doubt
As you said 'obarun isn't arch', However the problem IS coming from arch and fedora as they made the choice of pushing the updates straight from git, VERY bad idea. Their decision has made new bugs even MORE prominent and just look at whats happening now! ARGH. I wanted to use arch NOT fedora, fedora is known to do this shit.
eric wroteTaking a git release, grrrr, i don't like this ...
eric wrotefor me it is not gcc6 that i hate, but this kind of package
It would have been fine if it was just icecat, but no, It is also IceApe, WxPython, cataclysm-dda and even more. Hell anything that relies on stdlib.h is absolutely fucked. and all I get from researching it is "Try GCC 4.9" or the classic "It will be fixed in the NEXT version". If you disagree, Prove me wrong. The only way I can fathom why everything isn't becoming utterly broken is that the devs precompile the packages with a different version of gcc.
eric wroteCompilation take almost the same time that a kernel
That's because it takes more time for gcc6 to shit out more warnings and errors, than it does actually compiling it. It *didn't* have this problem on gcc 5.
eric wrotei will try to compile the gcc package with the last commit
I commend you for your efforts/work and believe me when you read this, I'm not mad at you. I'm simply venting/mad at poor execution from arch that affects obarun, because let me repeat- gentoo doesn't even list gcc 6 as a testing package, they haven't even made it a priority to test. That's really REALLY bad. Void for instance has compiled the latest icecat, why? because they have gcc 4.9

To seal the fate of my trust for arch, This the answer a Arch Trusted User gave when asked if it is possible to use Gcc 4.9, The OP had the same exact F!@ # $ing issue.
Xyne (0) wrote A rolling release distro is not suitable for your needs. You should consider using something else for work. If you have a work computer then remove Arch and put whatever you actually need on it. If you don't have a work computer or need to keep Arch on the work computer, dual boot or use system virtualization. Keep a fully updated Arch host system and a nested build system. p1598675
Therefore according to Xyne, Arch is the least applicable option for production. Which is the complete opposite of what I thought it was at first.

Would arch apply fedoras patch [1] for gcc6 so it doesn't suck ass? Allan says "No." [1]
wdirksen wrote
Will you be updating the gcc related Arch packages with this or other solution?
Allan wrote Why would I?  gcc is not broken...
Yes, the SAME Allan that made propaganda for systemd, the same person that thought keysigning wasn't an issue back in 2011 and now he is using the "But it works for me(TM)" bullshit excuse. Honestly, fuck him.

When I wrote in the other thread and I quote
bit wrotePretty much debating if I should just replace obarun with void unless gcc fixes their shit real fast, which they most likely won't.
I wasn't even remotely kidding. Arch did this. Not you.
[1] p1626161
@ Do you see the theme here? It isn't glibc, all of the bug reports I've posted lead to either gcc or gcc-libs *not* glibc

this is why i said : written error. i wrote glibc instead of gcc :D

@ If you disagree, Prove me wrong
you are right

@ The key word here is seem[ed], It is not known whether they compiled it with gcc 6, 5 or 4 but that also makes me eager to contact the last maintainer to find out how he compiled it and or with what version of gcc and why he orphaned the package.
If arch,parabola compile things with a previous version of gcc, it means that all developer lies about their system. I mean, I build all my package under my system, if i do not, i can say : hey people it's works. This is absolutly unacceptable. I hope you're wrong about this thought :(.

Well, trying to build gcc fail. Different commit was tested pffff. I'm a little blocked now. I will search a solution but for the moment.....
eric wrote I hope you're wrong about this thought
UPDATE Trust for arch developers (except eric ;)): Completely gone. (see below)
E-Mail sent
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 23:08:58 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Message-ID: <3142ea709e2eb81317d75deb5f42cd4d@>
X-Mailer: [Omitted]
From: bit@
Subject: GNU IceCat compilation
To: emulatorman@

Hello Andr=C3=A9 Silva, =0AI've noticed that you're the last packager for=
 GNU Icecat from Parabola GNU/Linux [0] and would like to ask you a few q=
uestions, First I'll briefly explain my dilemma. I've tried to compile GN=
U IceCat on Arch Linux from source with makepkg, gcc 6.1.1 (20160501), an=
d the source files provided by Parabola [1]. But unfortunately IceCat fai=
ls to build [2].=0APresently I've only found several bug reports[3][4][5]=
[6][7][8] about the compile errors, However none of them are fruitful nor=
 have any indication as to when it will be fixed. My question to you is t=
his, How did you compile it? Did you have to do anything differently? Or =
did you use a previous version of gcc? =0A=0AI'll be patiently awaiting y=
our reply, -b=0A=0A[0]
ve/html/bug-gnuzilla/2016-01/msg00043.html=0A[4] https://bugzilla.redhat.=
1=0A[7][8] https:=
Reply from developer
André Silva wrote I built it with a previous version of gcc and gcc-libs, in that time,
Parabola had gcc-5.3.0-5 and gcc-libs-5.3.0-5. [0]
That's it, going to dual boot with void.... SIGH

Note: Won't have any time to test s6 thanks to this shit. but s6 is a great concept :)

[0] v32Yx6R4KpDsRJQulRdDut78R+9yqNTf9Cfl3Ao/oEw= (expires in 6 days from the time of this writing)

So i have a problem ( EDITED )

So i have tested to downgrade gcc6 to gcc5.3.0-5 and glibc to glibc-2.23-2, normaly libstdc do not need to downgrade. The compilation fail and other compilation like runit-obarun fail. I need to test with clang, llvm-libs downgraded too.
So i have an issue for downgrading the toolschain, i need to make some research. When i find the solution, i change the toolchain for obarun, need stability here and not UNTHRUTH. If i have gcc6, i need to compil all the necessary with this package or i don't use gcc6.

So this will take time and works to resolv it, sorry.
eric wroteSo i have tested to downgrade gcc6 to gcc5.3.0-5 and glibc to glibc-2.23-2, normaly libstdc do not need to downgrade. The compilation fail and other compilation like runit-obarun fail. I need to test with clang, llvm-libs downgraded too.
icecat fails with gcc 4.9.2, although I'm not sure if that was just a bad mix of versions from dependencies. However! I can confirm that icecat will compile with gcc 5.2.0! But you need to downgrade to these package versions for it to work.
binutils-2.25.1-2  clang-3.7.0-4  gcc-5.2.0-2  gcc-libs-5.2.0-2
glibc-2.22-1  hunspell-1.3.3-2  lib32-gcc-libs-5.2.0-2(*)
lib32-glibc-2.22-1(*)  llvm-libs-3.7.0-4 

* = Needed if you already have it

Note: I haven't tested restarting xorg with the downgraded packages, so also downgrading opencl-mesa-nosystemd to at least 11.1.1-1 is suggested, but I think it will be ok without needing to do so :)

I didn't compile it with gcc 5.3, only because I *assumed* it wouldn't work based on your experience. But I think aligning the dependency versions to gcc 5.3 might work. However I strongly recommend to use gcc 5.2 for now and follow CRUX's gcc versions later on. (which the dependency versions presented above are practically the same as CRUX anyway..)
CRUX's rss:

Fun Fact: Arch Linux is loosely based on crux :)
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issue...
==> Creating package "icecat"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Adding install file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: icecat 38.8.0-3 (Thu May 19 19:34:36 CDT 2016)
==> Cleaning up...
==> Removing installed dependencies...
taco@ zen gcc5 % ls
icecat-38.8.0-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz # ;)
eric wrotelast version of icecat available on testing repo.
Installed, Works like a charm. Thanks again eric :)

Edit: Please repackage without dbus-glib dependency! [0]

[0] L20 404'd (Archived here: 20%)

For instance this is from *my* pkgbuild and pkg.tar.xz
taco@ zen gcc5 % cat ../PKGBUILD| grep depends
depends=('gtk2' 'mozilla-common' 'libxt' 'startup-notification' 'mime-types'
makedepends=('unzip' 'zip' 'diffutils' 'python2' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'imake'
optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'
taco@ zen gcc5 % pacman -Qi --file icecat-38.8.0-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz | grep Depends 
Depends On      : gtk2  mozilla-common  libxt  startup-notification  mime-types  alsa-lib  desktop-file-utils  hicolor-icon-theme  libvpx  icu  libevent  nss  hunspell  sqlite  pango  freetype2  libxft  libx11
Notice how dbus-glib isn't in mine :)

P.S Stop scaring me, eric. lol
oh yes, good catch, forgotten this :)
16 days later
Just a note, CRUX linux has updated gcc to 5.4 which (possibly) means that will work on edge cases like this
12 days later
Update: 6/20/16
IceCat needs to rebuilt with gcc 5 and the latest hunspell (at the time of this post: 1.4.1-1)
taco@ zen ~ % icecat
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/icecat/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.
taco@ zen [255] ~ %
8 days later
Update: Wed Jun 29 00:50:08 UTC 2016
Good news,It looks like parabola devs have patched around the gcc6 issue 6~ days ago (at the time of this post) [0]
Based on two bug reports from archlinux :)
GNU/Icecat commit wrote* GCC6 is not officially supported and lot of patches have been added.
I strongly suggest to backport the patches. [1] [2] and possibly the harfbuzz [3] [4] and install dir [5] patches.

I will test this in a few days (without dbus, pulseaudio and the disable-crypto-hardening-settings.patch of course ^^).

[0] gcc6-fix-compilation-for-IceCat.patch message
[1] gcc6-fix-compilation-for-IceCat.patch
[2] firefox-gcc-6.0.patch
[3] harfbuzz-1.1.3.patch
[4] mozilla-1228540-1.patch
[5] icecat-install-dir.patch

Update: Fri Jul 1 02:11:52 UTC 2016
Icecat successfully builds with GCC 6 from the patches provided by parabola!
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing empty directories...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issue...
==> Creating package "icecat"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Adding install file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Creating package "icecat-debug"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: icecat 38.8.0_gnu2-1 (Thu Jun 30 21:00:43 CDT 2016)
==> Cleaning up...
==> Removing installed dependencies...
checking dependencies...

Packages (2) imake-1.0.7-1  yasm-1.3.0-1

Total Removed Size:  4.92 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n] Y
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) removing yasm                                                 [# #####################################] 100%
(2/2) removing imake                                                [# #####################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Purging old manpage index entries...
taco@ zen IceCat-Parabola % gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 6.1.1 20160602
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
There's a few changes I made to the PKGBUILD here, you can compare it with the one provided by parabola.
8 days later
ok, thanks for the report, i will compile it again when i have time, probably this week-end. Thanks to follow this package carefully :)
a month later
icecat needs to be rebuilt with libvpx 1.6.0 otherwise it will fail to start. Please make that change.

Also icecat.install is now redundant since it compiles with gcc6 [0]
post_install() {
  cat <<MSG
>>> This package fail to build with gcc6.
	It was build with this toolchain :
	binutils-2.26-3  gcc-5.3.0-5  gcc-libs-5.3.0-5 
	glibc-2.23-1 llvm-3.7.1-1 llvm-libs-3.7.1-1 clang-3.7.1-1
done, thanks :)

note: grr i forgot to erase the post install message, it will be made on the next release
21 days later
bit wrote CRUX
Isn't crux DEAD ? ? ?
a year later
An error again (similar to one mentioned in post # 25 above):
vn@ lx ~ % icecat
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/icecat/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.
vn@ lx [255] ~ %
archie wrote
bit wrote CRUX
Isn't crux DEAD ? ? ?
Where did you get this information?
crux is very much alive used it a few months back, its a net install just like arch no installer uses the same bsd init scripts that inspired arch and a ports system
@ ray, sorry but this package should be maintained by bit. Apparently, he doesn't come here anymore and i do not have time to maintain this package. I need to remove it from the repo.
@ eric, ok no problem. I've just tried to compile it from aur recently, but without success. Then I came accross this thread and tried the binary from your repo. So I decided to show the bug.
ray wrote@ eric, ok no problem. I've just tried to compile it from aur recently, but without success. Then I came accross this thread and tried the binary from your repo. So I decided to show the bug.
To build the AUR package you need to manually import the key its in the comments. or you can use icecat-bin also in AUR, but you are better off using palemoon or waterfox.
eric, mandog, thanks for comments, well noted. And parabola package runs well.

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