Does anyone get a segmentation fault after trying to run SDDM while export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct is in the etc/environment file?

I cannot get SDDM to work while qt5ct is in control of theming....I presume it is a fault with qt5ct. Anyone concur?
Wow. Extreme edge case I suppose? I believe little people would even know such a variable did exist. In consequence I doubt you'll get a lot of answers to be honest lol ;_;
Why would you set this variable to begin with? You say it has to do with Qt gaining control over SDDMs theming? How does that relate? I create SDDM themes and it's Qt anyways (The QML abstraction layer that is). Maybe someone could help here if we knew more about your case? :)
I suppose I bet that there are a lot of fellow tinkerers such as me that can be kind of extreme so i just venture to express this. :D Arch is great for tinkerers after all, with the mantra of something along the lines of "It's fun to brainstorm solutions when stuff breaks?" I cant remember the exact words...anyway

I was attempting to theme all qt apps system-wide with that variable, It plays well with every other qt app except SDDM so i was just curious.

I do enjoy your sugar -dark theme, kudos for that! :)
Thanks for the love, glad you like it. If you like to tinker a lot you should switch to Sugar Candy though. It's the successor with tons of options ;)

So I tried what you say. I set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct in /etc/environment and rebooted with sweat on my face. SDDM fired just as usual. Although my whole Plasma desktop and its apps is now without any styling hahahaha...

Maybe it's your theming itself that's causing errors? Have you done any theming yet this way? Maybe try to remove any with the variable still in place?
For my part I'll definitely remove it now,...lol
Do you have the qt5ct package installed? You must have the packages corresponding to what is on the end of the = for attempted system-wide styling i presume. I've opted to use kvantum for now so I set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kvantum in etc/environment and this works with SDDM just fine .

How are your Plasma/Qt apps styled? Is it through KDE settings?

I will be sure to try your sweet theme (pun intended) :)
I installed qt5ct for the sake of the experiment. When I said "no styling" that was to say "qt5ct"-defaults when installed of course (which is basically like no styling at all). I usually don't style whole desktops above their given options, so this was a first for me anyways hahaha. So yeah, I usually just use what's given to me by the KDE team.
Glad to hear that Kvantum works for you for now. Even more so it seems like some settings with qt5ct from your side?
I'm not sure, qt5ct seems not to work with any settings available to me-with SDDM that is. I'm not sure what the "qt5ct" -defaults would be.
I wasn't expecting, but it is fixed for me with qt5ct update to 0.41-5...
Upstream bug maybe? Glad to hear it's resolved!

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