edit 6/15/2020: I have renamed the thread as it had very little content in the relation to the use of 66 0.4 and more to do with misinterpreting directions and use of a previous edition. So, to not confuse future users of misleading them to a thread that is useless the subject has been changed from: 66 0.4.xx transition from 0.3.xx to this one above.

===================== original msg ========================

66 0.4.xx version is available through obcore-testing
Make sure you run the classic routine of 66-update -d (if no problem without a -d) if you are willing to try it.

I run in a glitch with ntpclient
66-update(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_before: 37): tracing: start parse process of service: /etc/66/service/ntpclient
66-update(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_before: 77): tracing: read service file of: /etc/66/service/ntpclient
66-update(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_before: 85): warning: invalid value for key: @ name in service file: /etc/66/service/ntpclient
66-update(src/lib66/ssexec_enable.c: start_parser: 72): fatal: unable to parse service file: /etc/66/service/ntpclient: or its dependencies
disabling ntpclient and running 66-update went fine. Trying to enable it again throws the same errors
the original service frontend file coming from observice should not contain any @ name field.
Do you have this field at your /etc/66/conf/service frontend file?
If yes just remove it and do not forget to add a @ version field like:
@ version = 0.1.0
Aahh yes, the installed version is 0.2 the one on /etc/66/service is last edited July 2019, so it was an old version.
I moved it out of the way and it is OK again.
But that early version worked with 66 0.3. I guess this is expected.
I guess this is expected.
yes :)
Hallo, since 66-update my tree "graphics" is no more enabled and:
% 66-enable graphics
66-enable: fatal: unable to resolve source path of: graphics
Please help me :-)
1st when you upgraded did you do this: (% as user not root)
% sudo 66-update -d
try this better
% sudo 66-update -v2 -zd
If you get no errors (fatal .. unable...etc.) -d is dry run, a test run that doesn't change anything, you need to run it without -d to make the change from 66 0.3. to 66-0.4
% sudo 66-update -v2 -z 
Now do this for the user trees if everything above is ok, if not report what you get from that command with -v4
% sudo 66-update -v4 -zd
(if something wrong copy output of this here)

If all is ok do this for user trees
% 66-update -v2 -zd
If all is OK,
% 66-update -v2 -z

Is your boot-urer tree active:
% sudo 66-intree -t boot-user
(if you have named this tree something else it is the tree that makes user services work)
% 66-intree -zg
What does this command show (copy to a comment)

If graphics is a user tree you are using the wrong command. 66-enable is used to enable a service within a tree
% 66-enable -v2 -t graphics -S "serv-name"
for a tree that is already setup but is not enabled
% 66-all -t graphics up
To enable the tree that is disabled
% 66-tree -E graphics
Now, I would imagine your graphics tree is enabled, so it should start automatically when you login but I suspect it is not starting.


This is how to set this up from scratch. Are you using a DM, is it running when you boot, do you login to a graphical screen?
Warning: Did you enable -testing repositories and upgraded to 66 0.4... and this is why you run 66-update?

Just making sure.
Ops... It was a testing release...
I do not remember enabling the testing repository.
And now?
I made the dry test (user and root)and i got no error.
Than i made both update. Also no error.
JVM version.
But now i have no connection, i have permission problem at login but at the second affort it works
I have grafic but no connman, no terminator, no shutdown from button...
Tree graphics now current. No other tree for user.
Tree boot not enabled and not current.
Tree boot-user enabled but not current.
Tree root enabled and current.
% pacman -Qs 66

If in fact you had testing enabled and you upgraded and run update with no errors, there shouldn't be a problem.
If you run from chroot
# sudo -u (your-username-here) 66-intree -zg >/tmp/out-u
# 66-intree -zg >/tmp/out-root

And copy these files here I can be of more help.
Is dbus running for both root and user?
Also if you want to roll back to 66 0.3.0 you can either edit /etc/pacman.conf and comment (add # to the three lines for each testing repository) and then:

% sudo pacman -Sy obcore/{66,66-tools,obsysusers}
then run the two updates and you are back to stable.
 % pacman  -Qs 66
local/66 s6-suite)
Other than connmand you should make sure all services in enabled trees are running correctly (up,.. or have a pid # , usually 3-4 digits otherwise it will be 0 or say down if they are not running)
For a service that is down you need to check the service status: (e.g)
% sudo 66-inservice -v4 -p12 dbus

As far as I know there are no problems with running 66 0.4.xx I have tried it many times in many installations and machines and I have no problems with it, but each uses different services, dm, etc.

Ctrl-Shift F2 will take you to tty2 (console or tty12 log in as user), # ip a should tell you whether you are connected or not.

% sudo 66-start -v4 connmand
should give you some output about why connmand is failing or if it is running.
% sudo 66-inservice -p15 connmand
should give you the last 15 lines of its log.
Out of curiosity I started a vm with the JWM 03-2020 image and upgraded to testing and 66 0.4.

This is the output I got and everything was ok, no problem with connmand or terminator, network never lost connection, and the output transferred through sshfs after it was done. If it had lost connection I wouldn't be able to see it now:
oblive@ ob66 ~ % sudo 66-intree -zg boot-user
Name         : boot-user
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run-oblive
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) setenv-oblive
               ├─(735,Enabled,longrun) scandir-oblive-log
               ├─(758,Enabled,longrun) scandir-oblive
               └─(up,Enabled,bundle) All-oblive

oblive@ ob66 ~ % 66-intree -zg graphics  
Name         : graphics
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : oblive
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) xdg-user-dirs
               ├─(927,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ oblive-log
               └─(931,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ oblive

oblive@ ob66 ~ % pkg Qs 66           

local/66 (base s6-suite)
    small tools built around s6 and s6-rc programs
local/66-tools (base s6-suite)
    small tools and helpers for service scripts execution
You can have a big trouble here if you try to downgrade from v0.4.0.1 to v0.3.0.3. That's will not works "magically" by the 66-update tool. The v0.4.0.1 brings important changes at the service configuration file structure.
We are currently managing the new v0.4.0.1 and the version is not on testing for nothing. Testing should be used only if you are an advanced 66 user. Also, mistake happens :) like you did.

First be sure to use the new 66 version. It will be easier for you to keep this new version, just resolving your issues. so,
% sudo pacman -S obcore-testing/66
obviously the obcore-testing repo should be set at your /etc/pacman.conf.

Now do the following commands:
% sudo 66-tree -R boot
% sudo 66-tree -n boot
% sudo 66-enable -C -F -t boot boot
Now edit your /etc/66/boot.conf to suit your needs and the boot is ready.

We need to do this for other tree. Replace the term "<user>" in the following command by the name of your user.
% sudo 66-tree -R root
% sudo 66-tree -cnE root
% sudo 66-enable -C -F dbus tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 dbus connmand wpa_supplicant
% sudo 66-tree -R boot-user
% sudo 66-tree -nE boot-user
% sudo 66-mods.sh boot-user@ <user>
% sudo 66-enable -C -F -t boot-user All-<user>
We are ok for the root user part.

Now we need to manage the user part. Equal than previously, replace "<user>" by the name of your user.
% 66-tree -R graphics
% 66-tree -cnE graphics
% 66-enable -C -F xdg-user-dirs dbus-session@ <user>
Thank you.
The problem is I made a 66-update without enabling the test repositoz.
Now i have the 0.3 version but several services are down: openntpd, wpa_supplicant, dbus, connmand in the root tree and xdg-user-dirs & dbus-session@ <user> in graphics tree.
Now i tried to start connmand but i get
s6-svlisten1: fatal: timed out 
...command exited 99
The same with dbus...
All these services are enabled but down.
Sorry for the short form but i am writing from my smartphone. :-)
If you have returned to 0.3 it is best to remove all trees and remake them.
It is also best to clear the /etc/66/conf directory as well, since you may have stuff there left from 0.4
The only pkgs on testing were 66 66-tools and obsysusers, so make sure you have all three reinstalled.
Then why are you on this thread? :)

If you noticed I asked specifically if you had testing enabled, and your only response was that testing is not enabled now, and later that you are now on 0.3. Easily anyone can assume that you had it on, you installed 0.4 and now you rolled back to 0.3. ...

pacman -Qs 66 shows you exactly what version of software you have installed

laugh-cry, I don't know what to do.
Just because it happened after my attempt to update. I realized just after the control that it did not updated, i am sorry!
Fact is that the problem came with it...
I can also open a new tread, if you like.
So the question is: why the only attempt to update 66 changed my settings?
And how can i reset it?

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