Hi, i have a noob question..
If i want do add a new desktop sudoer user i do

useradd -m -G uucp,wheel,rtkit daisy

but besides that i probably need to add some 66 magic to make it run.
i am guessing:

66-tree -nEc daisytree
sudo 66-tree -nEc daisytree

66-enable -t daisytree dbus-session@ daisytree
sudo 66-enable -t daisytree dbus-session@ daisytree

anything else? maybe something with boot-user@ daisy or is that optional?
thanks for pointing out any mistakes in advance!
this gets me:

z@ obliveS6 [111] ~ % sudo 66-mods.sh boot-user@ daisy
z@ obliveS6 ~ % 66-tree -nE boot-user
66-tree: fatal: unable to create: /home/z/.66/system/boot-user: already exist
z@ obliveS6 [111] ~ % sudo 66-enable -t boot-user All-daisy
66-enable: fatal: unable to find tree: /var/lib/66/system/boot-user: No such file or directory
z@ obliveS6 ~ % sudo 66-enable dbus consolekit
66-enable: fatal: unable to find the current tree. You must use -t options
z@ obliveS6 ~ % sudo 66-enable -t daisy dbus consolekit
66-enable: fatal: unable to find tree: /var/lib/66/system/daisy: No such file or directory

% 66-tree -R boot-user
% sudo 66-tree -nE boot-user

Pay attention to % and # , # is a root command or a command that needs sudo in front of it. boot-user is a root level tree usually that sets things up so you can have user level trees and services. $ sometimes is used instead of % as it was the std prompt on old unix systems.

If this doesn't work for some reason:
% rm -rf /home/z/.66

Now, usually the home for a user named daisy would be /home/daisy, unless you have specified it is /home/z

% cat /etc/passwd | grep home
% sudo grpck

If /home/z is your previous home from previous user you can also rename it.

Eric will probably come around in a few hours if you haven't figured it out.
With simply using a wm like openbox, jwm, ... etc. you don't necessarily need user services, and I try never to use dbus (except for printing where system/root dbus is sufficient).
ok, didnt work. maybe lets make a new user "rr" exactly according to https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=dbus_and_dm
step by step

obliveS6# useradd -G uucp,wheel,rtkit -d /home/z rr
obliveS6# 66-mods.sh boot-user@ rr
obliveS6# 66-enable -t boot-user All-rr
66-enable: info: Enabled successfully: mount-run-rr
66-enable: info: Enabled successfully: setenv-rr
66-enable: info: Enabled successfully: scandir-rr
66-enable: info: Enabled successfully: All-rr
obliveS6# 66-enable dbus consolekit
66-enable: fatal: unable to find the current tree. You must use -t options
[rr@ obliveS6 ~]$ 66-enable dbus-session@ rr
66-enable: fatal: unable to find the current tree. You must use -t options

but i think its not mentioned i also need to edit .xinitrc
adding 66-all up
which i did, but still would not do make x run. no scandir and no env's set

it would be cool to have a step by step adding user demonstration (including working sound, printer and bluetooth) which works

in short:

# useradd -m -G uucp,wheel,rtkit rr
# 66-mods.sh boot-user@ rr
# 66-enable -t boot-user All-rr
# 66-enable dbus consolekit
$ 66-enable dbus-session@ rr
Please use the code tag to include your code part, thanks :). It easier to read
in short
% sudo useradd -m -G uucp,wheel,rtkit rr
% sudo passwd rr
% sudo 66-mods.sh boot-user@ rr
% sudo 66-enable -t boot-user All-rr
% su rr
% 66-tree -nE base
% 66-enable -t base dbus-session@ rr
i assumed here that you have an already a tree root which have dbus and consolekit running on it and a tree boot-user existing on your system.

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