i changed the system-fsck script to check only my sda5
which is clean and the only entry in fstab (matching type) so there is just another (win10)partition and no other drives connected.
then was getting error code 100 (no such error according to man pages).
then i skipped the fsck all together. now it seems to boot errorless.
also deleting boot-old seemed to have worked.
and everything else seem to work also now! thanks alot!

ok, there is an unallocated space in between.
but that not it. probably. right?
the fsck havoc i mean.

maybe fsck didnt work because sda5 is already mounted for some reason?
afteri entering the password for maintenance i couldn do fsck on sda5 because it said its mounted.
i had to check via usb live stick.
The unallocated space should not cause trouble(maybe i'm wrong).
However, a mounted partition crash the fsck. To do an fsck the partition need to be umounted. So, yes you found your trouble here.
it seems 66 is doing fsck after mounting. but eventually just on my installation? how could that be? or where to change the order?
I am not that experienced with efi but because of efi the root partition is mounted by efi to boot it, or know what to do.

Creating and destroying partitions for many different installations and frequently leaving blanks in between has never caused any trouble for me in any system.
66 do not try to mount anything before launching the system-fsck service but your bootloader can. On Obarun the root partition should be mounted ro (read only) and not with rw (read write) permissions. So please check your bootloader command line and be sure that your partition is mounted ro.

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