
I installed updates today and now X does not start through sddm and on startx it crashes. How can I debug this error to fix it please? Need help here.
check your pacman.log to see what was updated:
less /var/log/pacman.log
if i had to guess, i would say it's probably mesa..(especially if you have intel graphics)
if you have 'downgrade':
downgrade mesa
should give you some choices of previous versions(there may some other mesa dependent that needs to be downgraded also)
Also it could be a case of mirrors not fully carrying all the necessary upgrades on time (while you hit -Suy) so update/upgrade again.

By the way, when you upgraded from 66 0.3 to 0.4 did you do $ sudo 66-update & $ 66-update ??
ncmprhnsbl wrotecheck your pacman.log to see what was updated:
less /var/log/pacman.log
if i had to guess, i would say it's probably mesa..(especially if you have intel graphics)
if you have 'downgrade':
downgrade mesa
should give you some choices of previous versions(there may some other mesa dependent that needs to be downgraded also)
Here is the log


I did not downgrade mesa .
friedmushroom wroteAlso it could be a case of mirrors not fully carrying all the necessary upgrades on time (while you hit -Suy) so update/upgrade again.

By the way, when you upgraded from 66 0.3 to 0.4 did you do $ sudo 66-update & $ 66-update ??
yes I did and did it again now

now i get new error
press ctrl+d to continue
igorka67 wrote
saleem wrote
now i get new error
press ctrl+d to continue
Look at this thread

a command given by eric on this thread fixed my issue

# 66-enable -C -F -t root dbus

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