- Edited
I have a strange behavior using 66 on voidlinux when some services in a tree do not start. I have a default tree which has all the services I need. Currently that is:
Name : default
Initialized : yes
Enabled : yes
Starts after : None
Current : yes
Allowed : root
Symlinks : svc->source db->source
Contents : unbound-log unbound busybox-ntpd-log busybox-ntpd busybox-getty@ tty5
dhcpcd@ enp2s0-log dhcpcd@ enp2s0 dbus-log dbus sddm-log sddm
That changes a lot, as I am testing/writing frontend service files for void-66-services. Recently I added some services, enabled them and rebooted. They failed to run -that is expected- but other services (most notably sddm) also failed to start. Is that expected? There were no dependencies between the defective services and sddm.