: signature from "Jean-Michel T.Dydak <jean-michel@ syntazia.org>" is unknown trust
error: failed to update ob******** (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
i got that as well
just tried to install something on usb live iso
ob66# pacman -Syu
error: obextra: signature from "Jean-Michel T.Dydak <jean-michel@ syntazia.org>" is unknown trust
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 obcore is up to date
 obextra                77.1 KiB  2.90 MiB/s 00:00 [# #####################] 100%
 obextra.sig           310.0   B  0.00   B/s 00:00 [# #####################] 100%
error: obextra: signature from "Jean-Michel T.Dydak <jean-michel@ syntazia.org>" is unknown trust
error: failed to update obextra (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
 obcommunity is up to date
 observice is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
error: failed to synchronize all databases
The dirty solution (temporary) if you must need to install software before it is fixed is:

edit /etc/pacman.conf

Replace on ALL obarun repositories the line:
SigLevel = Required


# SigLevel = Required
SigLevel = Never

When it is fixed, you simply remove the 2nd line and uncomment the first and re-update

Otherwise your pacman will not let you do anything till then, can't upgrade, install, remove...
Please guys, for the moment follow the advice of Friedmushroom.
I can't contact Jean-michel for the moment. We will solved this issue as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenient.
  • [deleted]


Sorry for the inconvenience. The key has been updated with the renewed date and should be available in few hours from the gpg servers. I'm not sure in my opinion it's a good idea to change the SigLevel. Just be patient and everything should be back to the normal.
  • [deleted]

Hi again Obarun users

I feel really bad about what just happened. I had no feedback to warn me about the expiration date and two years have passed so quick. It won't happen again, the key is now valid until the end of time. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
No need to be Jean-Michel! I don't think it needs any explanation whatsoever given the size of the team, and you even sorted it out rather swiftly. Keep up the good work and the spirit! I deeply adore this project and everybody involved. Thank you so much for maintaining such a great product.
(Don't mind my sweet talk, I just think it's nice to hear that people appreciate your work :)
Haha wrong PGP signature caused Obarun to break and now it's unrecoverable and unusable!!! No chances to fix errors!!!! Damn|!!!!1 Bye bye obarun!!!!!
ELECTRIC SHOCK TRANSMITTED: Tzzzzzzzzzttttt!! Down boy, down!

Who says it is unrecoverable and unusable? It takes 15" to fix.

This is a price you have to pay for a MORE SECURE distribution where for every package there has to be a GPG validation, a valid signature from the authors, unlike many other distributions where it is optional.

If Arch (hyperbola/ parabola/ artix) had this they would break more often and have to remake a keyring for every time a dev leaves or a new one comes in (revolving doors distros). You don't care about such level of security you are "free" to turn SigLevel to never for all packages and repositories, nothing will be checked again.

Bye bye, .... I wish :P You keep promising but you are still here you ..... drumming libre-booter you!
I had nothing break to begin with, wtf?
Pacman just didn't update...

Was that supposed to be some sarcastic joke? Or just regular trolling? I'm genuinely confused.
fungal_net wroteBye bye, .... I wish :P You keep promising but you are still here you ..... drumming libre-booter you!
Hey, yeah... I still have got my libreboot, but i keep obarun on usb stick... (so i use it from time to time when i want to test things)
I'd use obarun but i love hyperbola Iceweasel-UXP web browser too much to ditch it for some firefox or chromium... (i dont know if i can build it on other distributions)
Although openRC seems to be a bit simplistic, could actually go for a challenge and try replace it with s66, to learn something new of course.

I am not gonna lie that i am waiting for that day when some windows user gonna ask me for linux and i am gonna show him obarun as that person first linux distro (instead of some ubuntu or whatever) and show how things are rapid fast here and that using commands is easy peasy. Of course i am not gonna bother any1 with libre stuff, but hopefully one day i'll be able to boot obarun from usb stick on somebodys computer and show that person what's not using windows and apple is all about!!!!

When you wrote that post, that day my roommates went away, so i wanted to check pc they have and see if it can boot obarun so i went to use my roommate PC (without his permission and knowledge of course), cuz they were away, and i booted obarun on it played some game (i played some runescape on ultra settings), i was surprised when i typed htop and seen 12 cores i was like oh damn!! and it's amd ryzen CPU!!! I didn't know about that, but all was good. I tried to download screenfetch to check specs of that machine and then... PGP ERROR :). So i went on forums to write about that, but it looks like you were 20 minutes quicker :PP
marianarlt wroteI had nothing break to begin with, wtf?
Pacman just didn't update...

Was that supposed to be some sarcastic joke? Or just regular trolling? I'm genuinely confused.
Yeah that was joke. Jean-Michel post looked so serious to me like wrong PGP signature killed obarun and made it unusable hahah...
Yeah it's just a stupid joke from my side, nothing else. No guilt!!!

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