Obarun 042020 is now available in base and jwm forms

Just click on the link (DOWNLOADS) on the top right of your screen

If you have the 032020 version you have to apply the fix listed on NEWS and upgrade the installer before making an installation.
Trouble with image but it is all Arch's fault

The first mirror listed on the current Arch mirrorlist under global mirrors is active but has not synced since early March
This is the default mirrorlist that comes from arch for pacman, it is not Obarun's fault. I wonder how it can be overridden in an iso image without violating defaults of Arch's pkgs.

# Worldwide mirrors:
# Server = http://mirrors.evowise.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch # ### This mirror is bad the other two from rackspace are current
# Server = http://mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

Eric has chosen to use the last good version of linux 5.4 in the images because 5.7 has had some problems with some hw. The damn mirror listed as # 1 global mirrror list linux 5.5 (an early March version of it), 5.6 came and went, and we are now on 5.7.7

I've used 5.7 on both intel and amd machines without problems, but they are old machines. If you update pacman and look at the list it will tell you that many of the pkgs installed in the image are newer than in the repository.

Edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
comment # the first mirror in global list and choose a country's mirrors closer to you. (I use Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy) and they have been all good, I try to choose https mirrors instead of http, but it will not make a difference. I tried using Canadian mirrors and the one listed as arch-linux was throwing errros (Arch base is claimed to be canadian, I think).

Run pacman -Sy again and then run this:
pacman -Ss libmfx
It should be 20.2.0-1 edition
Jul 10 16:56 libmfx-20.2.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
If you are getting an earlier version the mirror you selected is not current either.

Do not use the installer unless you solve this problem or you will get a messed up installation. If you already have made an installation but having problems that is because you have current Obarun packages with dependencies on older arch packages. so things break.
Perhaps arch linux people are too busy with banning people on their forums for posting there but not using systemd arch and perhaps they feel too elitist as well so now they do mess things up@ !!!!
Brave already kicked the copy-cat Braver off of their servers. I hope arch wont do the same any time soon.

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