Wouldn't it be appropriate to make a sticky with a link to the upstream bug tracker here in the forum?


edit: as in "keeping track" not for reporting.
just my 3 cents.

Last time i have reported some error with makepkg and pkgbuilds on arch forums of few packages. Some people reported that to maintainers and things went ok.
But when i said i dont use arch linux but obarun i got banned straight away claiming that if i don't use arch linux but different distro i am not welcome here so i got banned so for obarunners it wouldn't be appropriate to report bugs or errors on that website of course, because you don't use arch linux!!!!! You use obarun but it's not arch!!!! Don't you get it????
I was told that if i ever get some error with AUR i am supposed to report it on obarun not on Arch forums because these two 2 are different things so apparently AUR is not the same here as well!!!
so bugs you get on obarun aren't arch bugs!!!! Create your own bugs tracker list!!!! Obarun is not arch!!!
Yeah I know some of those stories. I must say the way they just ignore spin-offs and even try to silence the no-systemd community is not cool but it's their decision. Although they're being stupid for not accepting input from projects that might give them feedback on their own stuff,...Apparently a bug specific to a spin-off should be reported in that specific spin-off community. I doubt any project would deny that fact...

I rather thought about being able to "keep track" for users. Not so much for reporting there. Could make a very clear and bold statement about how it's to see what's currently being worked on in Arch. Because well, we are getting all the stuff that Arch breaks. Obarun users might come here when neither of us knows the answer because it's upstream to begin with. And men, there are tons of 'em. 1287! of which 18! are currently marked as "critical" as of this writing, the majority being related to the kernel and [core] repos.
I really couldn't care less for their fkd up attitude and bad social skills but I still think people should be aware that a lot of bugs are just Arch and have the pointer to a possibly existing related information.

I do understand that people might go there to open bugs. Could be clearly marked and phrased? "Please check if your problem is not already being worked on; report in this forum if not." If nobody wants this, just forget about me, it was something I thought about today :)

P.S.: From how I understand Arch they don't take responsibility for the AUR anyways. Reports are to be made to each individual maintainer. Which I think is fair. There are products of me in the AUR, which I never uploaded there. I don't think neither Arch nor myself are responsible for that package. People have come to me with breaking complaints when I could only say: please update from original source.
ok thats f**ked up. I know arch fan bois dislikes not using the "arch-ways", but i never knew that people on the arch maintainers are the same as well, i mean get banned because you reported an issue with some package while not on official arch?
Oh, you should ask Fungal on being banned by Arch,...lol
I bet he could write a book by now.
I am an expert in being banned, not that I couldn't avoid it though. It is just in getting them to act publicly makes them more anti-social than they like to be.

To make a small arch minimal installation of arch in a small partition shouldn't be a problem. When you discover a problem chroot to it and try building there. If it is not possible then it is an arch problem. If they say you have to boot arch to make it an arch problem then they are contradicting themselves because in most cases they suggest to build packages in a clean chroot.

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