How do I go about enabling the Teamviewer daemon?

From looking at the post for samba, I have tried:

sudo pacman -S teamviewer-66serv

sudo pacman -S teamviewerd-66serv

sudo mkdir -p /run/teamviewer

sudo /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd -F -S

Without any luck.

I would like to be able to create my own services to enable daemons but am unsure where to start. I am a long time arch user but am only now getting into systemd-free operating systems and obarun seems to boot the fastest and gives me most of the arch goodies. I am familiar with "systemctl enable", "systemctl start" and "systemctl stop". Any pointers that use those as examples may be helpful to me. If these commands don't make sense in 66 then any other help on how to create and enable daemon services would be appreciated.

Thanks to the developers for all your work.

Bill Dika
Hi negative:

Thanks for the quick reply.

I followed that link previously to get a desktop working (which I did, LXQT) but I am not sure how to start a daemon that doesn't have a 66serv file to install. How do I create a 66serv file for Teamviewer? Is there somewhere in the documentation that is generic for creating 66serv files for a daemon?

I apologize if this is obvious.


Bill Dika
Thanks fungal_net. Just what I was looking for. Now I'll try to get it working.

Bill Dika
There is an AUR teamviewer runit script, you can take a look at what they have as for configuration in starting and stopping the daemon. Once you get the 66 serviscript running you can always go back to its configuration options and improve on it.
You can either look at the script at the git of the PKGBUILD of the aur package, or you can build it and then open the archive to see it, or you can even use pacman -Udd teamviewer-runit (avoiding the runit dependencies) and see it in your system. It is just a script (text). This will also show you how mediocre of a job runit does in starting and supervising services and what the potential of s6 is.

It is like comparing a wooden match to an Iridium spark plug able to fire 10K times a minute.

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