Hi all,

The cmus console music player need libsystemd.
Manual compilation (from arch pkgbuild) work perfectly as systemd is not in the required dependencies. Work perfectly.
For those who prefer not to use pulseaudio, you can remove "pulse" from the required dependencies as it work perfectly with alsa.
thanks for the heads-up

i never really bothered till now to try some apps i want to run that relies on libsysd/systemd-libs... but now i can run transmission-cli and mpd without it.

(wonder why they explicitly need to have systemd enabled when it can run fine without systemd...)
systemd is the covid-19 of Linux OS. It expand so fast and destroy thing that work well ;)
with that in mind, maybe we request for these apps to have non-systemd version on obarun's repo or something...
Maybe. You can submit a bugreport with a working PKGBUILD. But it's time consuming. I've downloaded the full Arch git package repo. Searched for reference to systemd/libsystemd. Many package, like cmus, do not include systemd as a dependency in the PKGBUILD.
It may be more useful to make a fake libsystemd...
a month later
How does it differ from cmus-git though? Tiny size difference in replacing the other.

You have a 2nd vote now :)

You have moved libdiscid to opt.dep. and emptied out the list of make-dep.
Thank you king. I basically did just that, and moved everything to optional. I personally only compile with the FLAC plugin. I swear, music sounds more sharp and clear with less code in the player.
I had a radio cli a little while ago and I don't know where it went or what the name of it was. I must have removed it by mistake. I think I first found it in antix, they are good with cli. But I think you are right, especially non-x audio stuff I have tried sounds crystal clear sharp. Pulseaudio sounds like it is filtered and blended out a bit, like switching from a fender to a gibson :)

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