seems like repo has really been slow on my end the past weeks or so...

on a good day, i get about 200-300KB while on a very very bad day (which is mostly) i can get as low as 20KB

in any case, i like s6/66serv better than on artix' s6.
You mean the obarun repositories are slower than arch? By comparison the synch of obcore to community is a huge size difference of the 2nd. My max speed ever reached to the internet is 450KB/s and that is if my host resets his modem to ISP early morning on weekdays :) Most of the time is down to 350, this is max to any destination, not obarun/arch repos. So I feel your pain. The local isp sells this service as 24mbps 3000KB/s and then they say your address is far from our closest hub...

We should take over such resources and run them ourselves... instead of begging for 3% increase in pension
9 days later
its faster at least, when UE is asleep (im assuming is in UE, reverse lookup seems to show US. good time would be around 4-6AM)?

speeds of around 667 KB/s compared to 20 KB/s on a very bad time.
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