Hi all! I'm new to obarun, I came from artix linux with runit but i think that obarun is really better.
I have some problems doing allthings! :D but i solved allthings for now.
Right, this is to appreciate your works and to give compliments to allone but:
I need to run winetricks, i have succesfully installed it but once i run it this is the message that appears:

% winetricks
Executing mkdir -p /home/skikky94
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412 - sha256sum: 40ff4c67804584b73d4d36153e1f64ca426d739f1790bd748f5ded0865e8cc7f with wine-5.19 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
winetricks GUI enabled, using zenity
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It seems that I miss a dependency that is libsystemd but I can't install it because it's a systemd dependency...
Does s6 provides to this shared object?
what can i do? i think that s6 satisfies this dependency but how can I tell winetricks that?
Does winetrick run on obarun?
Thank you for help
Did you mix some obarun and Artix repo?

How zenity can depends on systemd?

From which repo did you got zenity?

And yes, winetricks works on obarun(if i remember well because i didn't used it from a while).

this is not depending on S6 at all. S6/S6-rc/66 handled your service and state of the machine but it have nothing to do with package management.
I would just create a symlink to libconsolekit because i think it's trying to perform a similar function? Correct me if I'm incorrect? or at least to perform function of dummy file.
 ln -s usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
might work?
It is probably dbus and/or polkit that come from artix and indirectly zenity has about 4 indirect dependencies to elogind/libelogind.
At least reinstall dbus and polkit from the right repositories and the problem should go away, for this particular problem.

Ultimately, if you converted from artix to obarun, you should run pactopts origin for all obarun repositories and replace "foreign" pkgs.
│ ├─gtk3
│ │ ├─at-spi2-atk
│ │ │ ├─at-spi2-core
│ │ │ │ ├─dbus
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind provides libelogind.so=0-64
│ │ ├─colord
│ │ │ ├─polkit
│ │ │ │ ├─elogind
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind


Any supports for user which mix Obarun and other repo apart from Arch will not be provided. In case of mix, It's the responsibilities of the user to maintain is system and solved its issues.
5 days later
eric wroteDid you mix some obarun and Artix repo?

How zenity can depends on systemd?

From which repo did you got zenity?

And yes, winetricks works on obarun(if i remember well because i didn't used it from a while).

this is not depending on S6 at all. S6/S6-rc/66 handled your service and state of the machine but it have nothing to do with package management.

pacman -Si zenity
Repository : extra
Name : zenity
Version : 3.32.0+55+gd7bedff-1
Description : Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/zenity
Licenses : LGPL
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : webkit2gtk libnotify
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 3.00 MiB
Installed Size : 5.40 MiB
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@ archlinux.org>
Build Date : Sat 26 Sep 2020 09:28:18 PM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
fungal_net wroteIt is probably dbus and/or polkit that come from artix and indirectly zenity has about 4 indirect dependencies to elogind/libelogind.
At least reinstall dbus and polkit from the right repositories and the problem should go away, for this particular problem.

Ultimately, if you converted from artix to obarun, you should run pactopts origin for all obarun repositories and replace "foreign" pkgs.
│ ├─gtk3
│ │ ├─at-spi2-atk
│ │ │ ├─at-spi2-core
│ │ │ │ ├─dbus
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind provides libelogind.so=0-64
│ │ ├─colord
│ │ │ ├─polkit
│ │ │ │ ├─elogind
│ │ │ │ │ ├─libelogind

sudo pacman -S dbus polkit
warning: dbus-1.12.20-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: polkit-0.118-2 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (2) dbus-1.12.20-2 polkit-0.118-2

Total Installed Size: 2.74 MiB
Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(2/2) checking keys in keyring [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) loading package files [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) checking available disk space [# #####################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) reinstalling dbus [# #####################] 100%
(2/2) reinstalling polkit [# #####################] 100%
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ % winetricks
Executing mkdir -p /home/skikky94
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412 - sha256sum: 40ff4c67804584b73d4d36153e1f64ca426d739f1790bd748f5ded0865e8cc7f with wine-5.19 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
winetricks GUI enabled, using zenity
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ %

it doesn't work
eric wroteAlso,


Any supports for user which mix Obarun and other repo apart from Arch will not be provided. In case of mix, It's the responsibilities of the user to maintain is system and solved its issues.

I have only Obarun repository look:

# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives

# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
# RootDir = /
# DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
# CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
# LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
# GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
# HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc
# XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -L -C - -f -o %o %u
# XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
# CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
Architecture = auto

IgnorePkg = systemd-libs systemd
# IgnorePkg =
# IgnorePkg =

# IgnoreGroup =

# NoUpgrade =
NoExtract = /usr/lib/libsystemd*.*

# Misc options
# UseSyslog
# Color
# TotalDownload
# VerbosePkgLists

# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
# RemoteFileSigLevel = Required

# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Arch Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux`.

# - can be defined here or included from another file
# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.

# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.

# [obcore-testing]
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore-testing

Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore

# [obextra-testing]
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra-testing

Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra

# [obcommunity-testing]
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcommunity-testing

Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcommunity

# [obmultilib-testing]
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obmultilib-testing

Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obmultilib

# [observice-testing]
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/observice-testing

Server = https://repo.obarun.org/observice

# [testing]
# SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
# Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# [community-testing]
# SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
# Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.

# [multilib-testing]
# SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
# Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

SigLevel = DatabaseOptional
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
# [custom]
# SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
# Server = file:///home/custompkgs
Wat-now wroteI would just create a symlink to libconsolekit because i think it's trying to perform a similar function? Correct me if I'm incorrect? or at least to perform function of dummy file.
 ln -s usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
might work?

I think that this is the solution... But i need to know where winetricks is looking for this shared object... for now i tryed:

sudo ln -s usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
'/usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0' -> 'usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0'
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ % winetricks
Executing mkdir -p /home/skikky94
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412 - sha256sum: 40ff4c67804584b73d4d36153e1f64ca426d739f1790bd748f5ded0865e8cc7f with wine-5.19 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
winetricks GUI enabled, using zenity
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ %
skikky94 wrote
Wat-now wroteI would just create a symlink to libconsolekit because i think it's trying to perform a similar function? Correct me if I'm incorrect? or at least to perform function of dummy file.
 ln -s usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
might work?

I think that this is the solution... But i need to know where winetricks is looking for this shared object... for now i tryed:

sudo ln -s usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
'/usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0' -> 'usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0'
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ % winetricks
Executing mkdir -p /home/skikky94
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412 - sha256sum: 40ff4c67804584b73d4d36153e1f64ca426d739f1790bd748f5ded0865e8cc7f with wine-5.19 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
winetricks GUI enabled, using zenity
zenity: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ %

Sorry i just copy paste without thinking... I miss a / on my commend...
now error changed and it seems that doesn't take the version of sistemd that doesn't exist:

sudo rm /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
rm: remove symbolic link '/usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0'? y
removed '/usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0'
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ % sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0
'/usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0' -> '/usr/lib/libconsolekit.so.1.0.0'
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ % winetricks
Executing mkdir -p /home/skikky94
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20200412 - sha256sum: 40ff4c67804584b73d4d36153e1f64ca426d739f1790bd748f5ded0865e8cc7f with wine-5.19 (Staging) and WINEARCH=win64
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37)
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18)
zenity: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18: undefined symbol: sd_journal_send, version LIBSYSTEMD_209
winetricks GUI enabled, using zenity
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37)
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18)
zenity: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18: undefined symbol: sd_journal_send, version LIBSYSTEMD_209
skikky94@ skikky94 ~ %

need I also install some missing font?
Hi, I think I may have some insight about the problem. The same thing happened to me with xreader and other similar PDF readers.
The culprit is webkit2gtk, as all of you can see in the last message of skikky94 (libsytemd.so is "required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37").

I think the package from Arch should list systemd as a dependency of webkit2gtk. However, since systemd is not an option but an obligation to them, I guess it is not a bug from their standpoint.

My question is: is it possible to compile webkit2gtk without systemd? That would be the ideal solution.
If it is possible, someone could create an AUR package or, if viable, it could be added to obextra (I don't know what are the criteria to add new packages to Obarun repos).

Hope that helps clarify the problem.

Edit: Indeed, it seems to be possible to compile webkitgtk without systemd. There's an option `-DUSE_SYSTEMD=OFF`.
Found it here: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/x/webkitgtk.html
So yeah, I think it's viable to replace the package webkit2gtk with a version compiled without systemd. That should solve the problem.
graf wroteHi, I think I may have some insight about the problem. The same thing happened to me with xreader and other similar PDF readers.
The culprit is webkit2gtk, as all of you can see in the last message of skikky94 (libsytemd.so is "required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37").

I think the package from Arch should list systemd as a dependency of webkit2gtk. However, since systemd is not an option but an obligation to them, I guess it is not a bug from their standpoint.

My question is: is it possible to compile webkit2gtk without systemd? That would be the ideal solution.
If it is possible, someone could create an AUR package or, if viable, it could be added to obextra (I don't know what are the criteria to add new packages to Obarun repos).

Hope that helps clarify the problem.

Edit: Indeed, it seems to be possible to compile webkitgtk without systemd. There's an option `-DUSE_SYSTEMD=OFF`.
Found it here: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/x/webkitgtk.html
So yeah, I think it's viable to replace the package webkit2gtk with a version compiled without systemd. That should solve the problem.

No it isn't look:
pacman -Si webkit2gtk
Repository : extra
Name : webkit2gtk
Version : 2.30.1-1
Description : GTK+ Web content engine library
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://webkitgtk.org/
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so=18-64 libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so=37-64
Depends On : libxt libxslt enchant gst-plugins-base-libs libsecret
libwebp openjpeg2 harfbuzz-icu gtk3 libnotify hyphen
woff2 libwpe wpebackend-fdo bubblewrap xdg-dbus-proxy
libwpe-1.0.so=1-64 libWPEBackend-fdo-1.0.so=1-64
Optional Deps : geoclue: Geolocation support
gst-plugins-good: media decoding
gst-plugins-bad: media decoding
gst-libav: nonfree media decoding
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 22.04 MiB
Installed Size : 98.43 MiB
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@ archlinux.org>
Build Date : Fri 25 Sep 2020 08:28:36 PM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

pacman -Si libwpe
Repository : extra
Name : libwpe
Version : 1.8.0-1
Description : General-purpose library for WPE WebKit
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://wpewebkit.org
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : libwpe-1.0.so=1-64
Depends On : libxkbcommon gcc-libs
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 48.55 KiB
Installed Size : 265.27 KiB
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@ archlinux.org>
Build Date : Thu 17 Sep 2020 09:14:40 PM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

btw gnome-desktop has a sitemd dependency and I have installed it manually installing all dependencies except sistemd and it works because s6 provides all you need
skikky94 wrote
graf wroteHi, I think I may have some insight about the problem. The same thing happened to me with xreader and other similar PDF readers.
The culprit is webkit2gtk, as all of you can see in the last message of skikky94 (libsytemd.so is "required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37").

I think the package from Arch should list systemd as a dependency of webkit2gtk. However, since systemd is not an option but an obligation to them, I guess it is not a bug from their standpoint.

My question is: is it possible to compile webkit2gtk without systemd? That would be the ideal solution.
If it is possible, someone could create an AUR package or, if viable, it could be added to obextra (I don't know what are the criteria to add new packages to Obarun repos).

Hope that helps clarify the problem.

Edit: Indeed, it seems to be possible to compile webkitgtk without systemd. There's an option `-DUSE_SYSTEMD=OFF`.
Found it here: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/x/webkitgtk.html
So yeah, I think it's viable to replace the package webkit2gtk with a version compiled without systemd. That should solve the problem.

No it isn't look:
pacman -Si webkit2gtk
Repository : extra
Name : webkit2gtk
Version : 2.30.1-1
Description : GTK+ Web content engine library
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://webkitgtk.org/
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so=18-64 libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so=37-64
Depends On : libxt libxslt enchant gst-plugins-base-libs libsecret
libwebp openjpeg2 harfbuzz-icu gtk3 libnotify hyphen
woff2 libwpe wpebackend-fdo bubblewrap xdg-dbus-proxy
libwpe-1.0.so=1-64 libWPEBackend-fdo-1.0.so=1-64
Optional Deps : geoclue: Geolocation support
gst-plugins-good: media decoding
gst-plugins-bad: media decoding
gst-libav: nonfree media decoding
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 22.04 MiB
Installed Size : 98.43 MiB
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@ archlinux.org>
Build Date : Fri 25 Sep 2020 08:28:36 PM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

pacman -Si libwpe
Repository : extra
Name : libwpe
Version : 1.8.0-1
Description : General-purpose library for WPE WebKit
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://wpewebkit.org
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : libwpe-1.0.so=1-64
Depends On : libxkbcommon gcc-libs
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 48.55 KiB
Installed Size : 265.27 KiB
Packager : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@ archlinux.org>
Build Date : Thu 17 Sep 2020 09:14:40 PM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

btw gnome-desktop has a sitemd dependency and I have installed it manually installing all dependencies except sistemd and it works because s6 provides all you need
Yes, I know it doesn't list systemd as a dependency. That's an error regarding the package from Arch. They (Arch Linux) should put systemd in the dependencies.
In my previous message I wanted to say that they probably don't consider this a problem, since Arch "requires" systemd. So no bug report would make a difference.

However, this is a problem to us, because it masquerades the requirement of systemd, which is what we're trying to get rid off.

The culprit is webkit2gtk. Your error message makes it clear:
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37)
zenity: /usr/lib/libsystemd.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18)
See? It says who requires libsystemd. libwebkit2gtk and libjavascriptcoregtk are both provided by the package webkit2gtk.
So the cleanest solution would be to recompile webkit2gtk without systemd.

I hope someone from the project can answer us if it's possible to include this new webkit2gtk without systemd in the obextra.
If it's not possible (I understand there are resource limitations to include packages), then a second option would be to create an AUR package.
on progress, be a little patient guys and it should be available at obextra repo: https://framagit.org/pkg/obextra/webkit2gtk/
If it's not possible (I understand there are resource limitations to include packages)
(I don't know what are the criteria to add new packages to Obarun repos).
The answer is simple, nobody ask/asked to be a packager. So, no policies at all for the moment.
But, if someone want to help about packaging, he should take in consideration that his commitment is not just for a short period of time. I mean, if someone provide a package and leave after that, the obarun team will be on trouble cause of a new package to maintain and we don't have a extensible time to spent more on packaging.
That's being said, if someone have a skill about packaging, he's welcome
eric wroteon progress, be a little patient guys and it should be available at obextra repo: https://framagit.org/pkg/obextra/webkit2gtk/
Excellent news! Thank you! This package was starting to get problematic.
eric wrote
If it's not possible (I understand there are resource limitations to include packages)
(I don't know what are the criteria to add new packages to Obarun repos).
The answer is simple, nobody ask/asked to be a packager. So, no policies at all for the moment.
But, if someone want to help about packaging, he should take in consideration that his commitment is not just for a short period of time. I mean, if someone provide a package and leave after that, the obarun team will be on trouble cause of a new package to maintain and we don't have a extensible time to spent more on packaging.
That's being said, if someone have a skill about packaging, he's welcome
Perfectly understandable. I believe that obarun should focus on keeping just a minimal set of packages strictly necessary to get things running without systemd. More packages, more burden, specially for a team of 3 people.
If I were more experienced at packaging I would consider helping :D
Unfortunately that is not the case (for now).
Available on the obextra repo, sync and update.
eric wroteAvailable on the obextra repo, sync and update.
The extra v in the package name was intentional or a typo? It's named vwebkit2gtk.
arff, i should avoid to work when i'm sick lol.
Yeah typo error here. So, a new build is currently running with the good name this time :). Be patient, it take long time to be build, it should be available in a few hours...

EDIT: done
eric wrotearff, i should avoid to work when i'm sick lol.
Yeah typo error here. So, a new build is currently running with the good name this time :). Be patient, it take long time to be build, it should be available in a few hours...

EDIT: done
"It take a long time" he said... :D
Man i love you! it works thank you!
I will mark this as solved

Powered by Obarun