I’m honestly 6 beers deep, and i’m in testing. I don’t remember the specific package name, but a new 66 package just pushed to testing borked boot for me at Stage 1.
I think it’s the boot@ -66serv package, possibly “base-6-1”.
The boot@ -66serv file replaces another file, i’m just to drunk to remember what file it was. I would downgrade, but i don’t know the file.
It’s a combination of both, since installing base-6-1 forces the install of the new boot@ 66-serv.
There was also an obnews package with detailed instructions on how to deal with it

obextra-testing/obnews 2020.10.26-1
Wiki pages can be found here, hope they can help you, but the 5 steps listed are the same found on obnews


Also when in doubt of "what just happened" in pacman take a look at the bottom of the /var/log/pacman.log
You can use grep of the date in this format

cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep "2020-10-26"
[2020-10-26T22:37:22+0200] [ALPM] upgraded geany (1.36-3 -> 1.37-2)
That’s for those debug tips. I used “ls -lt” to show me which files were last modified. I’ll have to read the obnews. Thank you.
What happens is the new boot pkg removes the boot.conf (or saves it as boot.conf.pacsave I can't remember) so your tree is intact as it was, 66 hasn't changed, but there is no /etc/66/boot.conf

You might as well go through the procedure though because this is going to be in stable repository in a few days anyway.
Beware what you enable in the 66-env boot@ .... that the corresponding software is already installed. Like if you enable btrfs and btrfs software is missing boot will fail.
I followed the instructions in the obnews.sh file, and i’m back to normal. I had obnews uninstalled lol, not a good idea on my part. It reminds me of how Gentoo tells you about updates after you emerge.
updated, follow obnews.sh step by step, done. worked fine. ill just check thoroughly the changes next time coz im sure my manual install script will fail now...
Everything successfully executed here except I cannot edit the boot@ system conf. file from terminal
# 66-env -t boot boot@ system
66-env: fatal: unable to get EDITOR: No such file or directory
Probably a problem with my system
If need be, I can just use file manger to find mentioned conf. file as workaround until I get it sorted.
negative wroteim sure my manual install script will fail now...
The only thing that should change in your script should be
66-enable -t boot boot  
66-enable -t boot boot@ negative   
and it should boot
fungal_net wrote
negative wroteim sure my manual install script will fail now...
The only thing that should change in your script should be
66-enable -t boot boot  
66-enable -t boot boot@ negative   
and it should boot
great. this should make it easier for me. thanks for the reply.
Wat-now wrote Probably a problem with my system
If need be, I can just use file manger to find mentioned conf. file as workaround until I get it sorted.
This means that your shell doesn't have an editor set or the one that is set (/root/.bashrc or /root/.zshrc) is not installed.
There should be a field $EDITOR in the shell, you can try mcedit nano vi ..etc. whatever you use.

if you are in a root shell you can set temporarily for the session any editor you like, let's say you want mcedit
# export EDITOR=mcedit
# 66-env -t boot boot@ system
I appreciate you pointing me to the right solution fugal_net.

Will my chosen editor for shell set after a reboot or be ready to be called for immediately after I edit the appropriate file(s?)
append your /root/.zshrc file with:
export EDITOR=whatever_the_prog_to_use
do the same for your at .zhrc of your regular user. For bash use the .bashrc file instead

Also, you can do
% sudo -E 66-env -t boot boot@ system
it that case 66-env you will use the EDITOR set at .zshrc (or whatever the shell used) of the regular user.

To test if the EDITOR variable is set, open a terminal and do
% printenv
it will display you all the variable set at your environment.
Thanks Eric,that is helpful. Seems I need a reboot after I put
export EDITOR=editor_of_choice
in .bashrc &or .zshrc file in root &or home folder.
no, if you did the change from a terminal, just close it and open a new one. At every start of a terminal the .{zsh,bash}rc is loaded again
Hi! I have a problem with the update
I followed the instructions and when I disable service with:
66-disable -t boot tty12 All
All can't be disabled because is a part of boot@ system
I followed this procedure since the end without workaround on this error and when I boot my system it won't boot because:
mount-fstab: fatal: crashed!
What can I do?
  • [deleted]


Update without any problem, who squeaked a bit when updating the user tree with the command line:
66-enable -C -F -t jean-michel dbus-session@ jean-michel
s6-rc-update: warning: s6-svscan not running on /run/66/tree/1000/jean-michel/scandir
s6-rc-update: warning: unable to live update s6rc-fdholder - restarting it
s6-svc: fatal: unable to control /run/66/tree/1000/jean-michel/servicedirs/s6rc-fdholder: supervisor not listening
On the second try everything went smoothly. Reboot and everything works perfectly.

Thx eric, thx fungal_net for the documentation.

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