While I was working on another page for the wiki the ground started moving. I don't know how many of you have lived through quakes or live in a part of a world that does this, you can never get used to having something you perceive as solid and stationary to be shaking like a noodle.

This is a seismogram from 305km away (North) from the center. The ones closer just show a blur of colors. The center was 25km away from the closest coast.
Ratings went between 6.7 to 7.0 depending on the measurement model, there was a tsunami that made cars float in the harbor, and in Ismir an entire floating dock broke away with more than 15yachts and was running across the harbor.
2 17y old kids coming back from school were killed by a falling wall in a tiny street in Samos. Many more people lost their lives in Ismir Turkey, which is 60-80km away.
Imagine people being too afraid to go back indoors during the highest peak of the epidemic and cramping in the few open wide spaces away from buildings, when we are within hours or days from a mandated total lockdown. The record of new covid cases reached again a new high since March.
As the chinese curse says: "May you live in interesting times"

This is a seismogram from 305km away (North) from the center. The ones closer just show a blur of colors. The center was 25km away from the closest coast.
Ratings went between 6.7 to 7.0 depending on the measurement model, there was a tsunami that made cars float in the harbor, and in Ismir an entire floating dock broke away with more than 15yachts and was running across the harbor.
2 17y old kids coming back from school were killed by a falling wall in a tiny street in Samos. Many more people lost their lives in Ismir Turkey, which is 60-80km away.
Imagine people being too afraid to go back indoors during the highest peak of the epidemic and cramping in the few open wide spaces away from buildings, when we are within hours or days from a mandated total lockdown. The record of new covid cases reached again a new high since March.
As the chinese curse says: "May you live in interesting times"