Try to make the change as in the wiki for both boot@ and boot-user@ from within the system and not from chroot from live or other obarun installation.

It can be very confusing to explain, if I understood the process well myself which I feel I am not 100% and I have tried for months, when you make changes to a tree, a module, a service, you usually should be looking at the output from -v4 commands, 66-intree, and 66-inservice. Working from chroot some of the directories from where you might see output are mounted filesystems from the host, not the target you are modifying. So what you see may be confusing because the two systems may not be identical in names of trees, modules, and selection of services. So while in chroot trust yourself you followed the instructions correctly and don't look at the output of those commands because it may reflect the incompatibility of the two systems between them.

If you have made a mistake and your system didn't boot, obviously only through chroot can you modify and correct things. But don't let the output confuse you. This wasn't a problem in the past (although it was there) because eveyone's boot was identical, despite of things being enabled/disabled within that bundle of services that was called boot. Now each boot@ is nearly unique, from the name to what is part of the module and what has been left out.

Maybe using bare chroot and not arch-chroot might prevent some of this confusion, but I am still trying to figure it out myself as well. arch-chroot is a readable script in /usr/bin ... if you can study it and its options maybe you can deduce more than I have been able to associate with this issue... for example /run and /mnt/run ... and its contents.
2 months later
Just tried first step and got error

# 66-disable -t boot tty12 All
66-disable: fatal: unable to remove service: : No such file or directory

So I will not proceed further till I sort out what went wrong. Need help here please
Greetings professor

What I think happened is that you are doing this months after the transition period. We went from 66 0.3 to 0.4 to 0.5 from May, to June, to early August just so things like this wouldn't happen. And there was a warning back then that you wouldn't be able to upgrade if you skipped the transition. It seems that you upgraded from 0.3 to 0.5.

Now, the best and simplest way to deal with this is to remove the boot tree all together, the other trees, even though 66-intree may appear failing right now, may still work after you have recreated a boot tree. We will see after the first step.

# 66-tree -R boot
# 66-tree -n boot
# 66-enable -t boot boot@ saleem # (or whatever you want to call your boot module)
# 66-env -t boot -e boot@ saleem # (edit your options hostname timez filesystems swap ... etc like you did in the past in boot.conf but now you define here how many ttys you need)
# 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ saleem
# 66-disable -t root tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 # (or whatever ttys you had enabled in the past - I am just basing this on default from installation)
# 66-intree -zg

reboot and then check your trees, if root and other trees don't work and services are not as they were, you must delete them one by one and recreate new ones (or you may want to use 66-update for root and user and see if it fixes everything up - just don't do this with the old boot still present). Take some time reading the new wiki instructions. In a new installation everything will work without you having to do anything, but to revive an old installation that hasn't been kept current for half a year needs a little work and reading ;)
Thank you dear fungal_net ,
Yes very right I got too lazy updating but last night I gathered some energy to do it after long time.

Now your steps got everything right back on track , I am able to reach to tty login without any issue . Now considering the current changes how do I enable sddm to be able to login to openbox ?
I have stopped doing fresh install for quite some time now after once you said to me don't do a fresh install try fixing an existing one.
Thanks for your kind words and helping me
You can use what is in this wiki, basically starting consolekit dbus and sddm
So maybe make a tree named sddm and enable sddm, dbus and consolekit in it
I don't think you need a user tree and user dbus unless you need some functionality in Openbox that requires such. I don't use them, but I don't use a dm either. I recently tried lxdm and wrote a service for it based on sddm and lightdm -66serv. That worked too.

With xinit you can start openbox without a dm, you need the /etc/X11/Xwrapper need root rights = yes and a .xinitrc in your home directory copy /etc/skel/xinitrc into ~/,xinitrc
Can you print out the output of
% sudo 66-intree -g
% 66-intree -g

There seem more things not running than nm
2021-01-05 17:59:06.112783691  e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.
What do you get when you try

% sudo mount -a
(0,Enabled,classic) tty@ -tty1
# 66-disable -t root -S tty@ -tty1
remove the boot-user tree that is broken
# 66-tree -R boot-user
and remake one
# 66-tree -nE boot-user
follow all the instructions on wiki

just replace the oblive with your username

Don't forget to make a user tree as well and enable dbus

What do you need 10 ttys for :) Poor X server only has tty11 to work on
fungal_net wrote
(0,Enabled,classic) tty@ -tty1
# 66-disable -t root -S tty@ -tty1
remove the boot-user tree that is broken
# 66-tree -R boot-user
and remake one
# 66-tree -nE boot-user
follow all the instructions on wiki

just replace the oblive with your username

Don't forget to make a user tree as well and enable dbus

What do you need 10 ttys for :) Poor X server only has tty11 to work on
Followed all the steps from wiki except this last one

66-enable dbus-session@ saleem

I get error with this command
66-enable: fatal:unable to parse service file: /usr/lib/66/service/boot-user@ saleem: or its dependencies
Is it the same after reboot?

As user
% 66-intree -g
% 66-enable -v4 -t usertreename  -S dbus-session@ saleem
What is the output?

If you have no user tree create one, make it current and enable it (66-tree -ncE usertreename) I think the default with obarun installation for xfce or kde/plasma is graphics, maybe jwm as well, but if you have no tree or no current tree enabling a service without a -t will not work. If one exists and is current, and your boot-user tree is functional, then there shouldn't be a problem.

If you have a user tree that you create with 66-tree -n usertreename it needs to be current and enabled, so
66-tree -cE usertreename
if you don't have any user trees then
66-tree -ncE usertreename
I am kind of stuck here ....

Since X crashes for me , I am not able to reproduce out put of many commands.

I have to think of taking some pictures and reproduce the out puts somehow ...

I dont want to do a fresh install , want to fix this one
Are you sure you have made a complete update and everything is current? (pacman -Suy)

We are starting from scratch again, I can't assume what the current status is and how it relates to output from 04-05/1

|-(0,Enabled,classic) tty@ -tty1
You have a tty@ -tty1 enabled in root? # 66-disable -t root -S tty@ -tty1

Edit /etc/66/init.conf and change verbosity=4 reboot and /run/66/log/current should be a detailed log of anything that happens during boot. What happens with the next enabled tree will not show, but if everything is good with boot then you can log in and use 66-intree and 66-inservice to diagnose each tree and service analytically.

The log for X is at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
# cat  /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep "(EE)"
This will only show lines from the log that have errors, the first error is what is important

Now you have sddm enabled still, or not? If sddm was working you would see the console login screen temporarily and then sddm would kick in and take you to a graphic display to login. I was asking about updates because there was some brief time that sddm had a problem and that was fixed. So I am working on the assumption your system is current (upgraded).

If you have sddm disabled now, there are two things you need to have to startx or xinit. /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config with contents:
# /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
needs_root_rights = yes
have a .xinitrc that ends with either command:
# exec ck-launch-session openbox-session
exec openbox-session
without consolekit running
exec ck-launch-session openbox-session
# exec openbox-session
with consolekit running (I simply leave the # comment in there so you can switch depending on what you need running or not - easier than typing a different command)

Make sure other commands are disabled. (lines that begin with exec or cmd)
Your openbox should start

You can also boot with an obarun live JWM image and from terminal mount the partition (I believe I see it is /dev/sda10 --> sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt --> sudo arch-chroot /mnt ) and make changes to your system, but since you get to console you should try and do the repairs from console.

If you run most console commands you can follow them with a >/tmp/log and it will send the output to a file named /tmp/log
If you want to append to that file you use >>
so as user:
% sudo 66-intree -g >/tmp/66tree 
% 66-intree -g >>/tmp/66tree 
Will write the output to /tmp/66tree
first for root then for user.
fungal_net wroteremoved text
1 ) Are you sure you have made a complete update and everything is current? (pacman -Suy)

Yes 100 % upgraded , even did it once again at moment through chroot from my arch linux.

2 ) You have a tty@ -tty1 enabled in root?
I just checked , and it is not enabled

# 66-disable -t root -S tty@ -tty1
66-disable: info: tty@ -tty1 is not enabled

3 ) Edit /etc/66/init.conf and change verbosity=4 reboot and /run/66/log/current .....

I was able to get this log extracted which is this

4 ) The log for X is at /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Here is the log

5 ) Now you have sddm enabled still, or not?

Just reconfirmed , sddm is still enabled but sddm never starts to allow me login to openbox

# 66-enable dbus consolekit sddm
66-enable: info: ignoring: dbus service: already enabled
66-enable: info: ignoring: consolekit service: already enabled
66-enable: info: ignoring: sddm service: already enabled

6 ) have a .xinitrc that ends with either command

I did that and put line exec openbox-session and now I could login to openbox with startx

7 )
# /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
needs_root_rights = yes
Yes it is present

8 ) You can also boot with an obarun live JWM image and from terminal mount the partition (I believe I see it is /dev/sda10 --> sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt --> sudo arch-chroot /mnt ) and make changes to your system, but since you get to console you should try and do the repairs from console.

I am doing all these from my arch linux by chrooting into obarun partition whenever needed

9 ) If you run most console commands you can follow them with a >/tmp/log .......

Here is log for sudo 66-intree -z >/tmp/66tree

When I executed this command as user on Obarun in terminal I got this output

66-intree -z >>/tmp/66tree

66-intree -z >>/tmp/66tree
66-intree: fatal: unable to build the graph from: /home/saleem/.66/system/openbox/servicedirs

Hope I have provided all the required info correctly .

One correction on my part
sudo 66-intree -g >/tmp/66tree
-z if for color, -g is for graphical analytical information (I am correcting the above message as to not confuse other users)

But you can't run this from chroot, this is why all services are dead because you are running them from a system without s6/66 Even if you did run it from live obarun it would show the services that match between trees and the live image.
So never chroot and go by what 66-intree/service shows, it is wrong.

Also, do me a favor (wild shot - you can do this from chroot no sudo needed since you are root) do:
sudo -E 66-env -t boot -e boot@ saleem
go to tty#  and just use 6 instead of 10
sudo 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ saleem
reboot  (or exit chroot and reboot)
fungal_net wroteOne correction on my part
sudo 66-intree -g >/tmp/66tree
-z if for color, -g is for graphical analytical information (I am correcting the above message as to not confuse other users)

But you can't run this from chroot, this is why all services are dead because you are running them from a system without s6/66 Even if you did run it from live obarun it would show the services that match between trees and the live image.
So never chroot and go by what 66-intree/service shows, it is wrong.

Also, do me a favor (wild shot - you can do this from chroot no sudo needed since you are root) do:
sudo -E 66-env -t boot -e boot@ saleem
go to tty#  and just use 6 instead of 10
sudo 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ saleem
reboot  (or exit chroot and reboot)
1 ) go to tty# and just use 6 instead of 10

Did that , now there are 6 only

2 ) sudo 66-enable -t boot -F boot@ saleem

Did this as well

did reboot , logged in back , system boots but network is still disabled
This is the log for the boot process, which seems all great.
The 66-intree -g (root and user) is what I would like to see
Also see what this says:

% sudo 66-inservice -p20 sddm
Meanwhile this current log

and I disabled networkmanager and enabled connman but got these out puts in terminal

$ connman-gtk
** (connman-gtk:883): ERROR **: 05:33:08.721: failed to connect to system dbus: Could not connect: No such file or directory
Trace/breakpoint trap
[saleem@ home-pc ~]$ sudo connmanctl
Error: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory

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