can't tell, you know the drill, you've been around long. Do you have tty12?
Switch to tty12 or from chroot edit /etc/66/init.conf verbosity=4 reboot, go to tty12 and show /run/66/log/0/current.log
fungal_net wrotecan't tell, you know the drill, you've been around long. Do you have tty12?
Switch to tty12 or from chroot edit /etc/66/init.conf verbosity=4 reboot, go to tty12 and show /run/66/log/0/current.log
I think it might be bad mirrors or something
Italy mirror has problems with downloading whole KDE

i tried GBP mirror and gonna change to it after installation. That occured everytime i rebooted obarun after 1st boot fresh install

Im gonna check on my laptop if it's happening as well
I'll check that tty12 tommorow, because it was on somebodys elses laptop.
tty12 is 'ctrl + alt + f12'?
Well i don't get that on my laptop, but i have used GBP mirrors instead of Italy

I am still convinced that it might be something with mirrors, i'll find out tommorow.
Have a good weekend to you all
yes c-a-F12

Mirrors can not affect how the system runs IF it was completely installed. If mirrors weren't responding and some package wasn't downloaded then the installation wasn't complete. You could run the installer over again and if something is missing it will find it, or if part of the procedure wasn't complete. But the boot tree is there, so as far as pacman is concerned it was done. One last thing is if you run the installer from an old image and did not let it upgrade itself and install-themes. This could be a problem since some 66 pkgs were replaced in the late (11/01) version.
Did it ask to provide username and passwords? If so it was done.
Ok i have checked log and it was weird

It reported before crash that /etc/localtime is not a directory and then fatal!!!
bugt on my laptop is a file not directory and i have no probs here

So i typed rm -rf /etc/localtime
and then mkdir /etc/localtime
that solved prob
  • [deleted]

/etc/localtime is a symbolic link to /usr/share/zoneinfo/<Zone>/<Subzone>

So, remove your /etc/localtime and next
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Zone/SubZone /etc/localtime
This is not normal, the local-time service should make the necessary by itself to overwrite an existing symlink. So, you hit something strange here. I need to check what's happen with the s6-ln program. Maybe a hidden bug is present here.
So i typed rm -rf /etc/localtime
and then mkdir /etc/localtime
that solved prob
This is work but this is not correct.
So, remove your /etc/localtime and next
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Zone/SubZone /etc/localtime 
This is correct. I encourage you to apply the jean-michel solution. Remove your /etc/locatime directory then create the symlink as jean-michel said.
a month later
Today and yesterday i have had the same issue on my laptop after i have installed xfce obarun
ln -sf fixed it but i am afraid this error still is on there

edit: i wasn't able to log in into tty12 as well today, i had some error so i had to chroot from hyperbola partition
okay this is also one time fix
i type ln -sf then i can boot into obarun fine
but after i reboot then this problem happens again so i have to chroot again and type the same command. if i get into tty12 xfce it says cannot connect to server i cant boot into xfce installation
chroot is the only option but its still only one time fix!!!!
wut the fuck is this
your issue is really weird
Please post the output of the following
# 66-env -L boot@ system
# 66-env -V boot@ system
# ls -al /etc |grep localtime
# 66-inresolve -t boot local-time
So i did what i have done before to stop this error which is create /etc/localtime folder, then i typed ln -ls and this doesnt happen anymore

66-env -L boot@ system
paradis# 66-env -L boot@ system
66-env: info: contents of file: /etc/66/conf/boot@ system/2.2.1/boot@ system
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Eric Vidal <eric@>
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of Obarun. It is subject to the license terms in
# the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
# distribution.
# This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
# except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
# System configuration file for a boot process running s6/s6-rc
# supervision suite and handled by 66 suite program.
# Do not use quotes or double-quotes on this file
# The '!' is used to not export the variable on the environment.
# If you want to keep it, remove the exclamation mark '!'.

# ========================== WARNING ====================================

# Do not forget to enable again the boot@  module after editing
# this file to apply your changes at the next reboot e.g:
# 66-enable -F -t boot boot@ system

# ======================= Global Settings ===============================

# # Set your HOSTNAME.


# # Set your timezone, available timezones can be found at /usr/share/zoneinfo.


# # Set the number of tty(s) to start.
# # 0 means no tty. Maximum is 11.


# # Console keymap to load, see loadkeys(8).


# # Console font to load, see setfont(8).


# # Console map to load, see setfont(8).


# # Console unimap to load, see setfont(8).


# ========================== Devices ====================================

# # Mount devices from FSTAB file [yes|no].


# # Active swap [yes|no].


# # Active lvm devices [yes|no].


# # Active dmraid devices [yes|no].


# # Active btrfs devices [yes|no].


# # Mount zfs devices [yes|no].


# # Zpool Import method [scan|zpoolcache]
# # It has no effects if ZFS is set to no or commented.


# =======================================================================

# =================== Advanced user configuration =======================

# If you don't know what the following variables do, you
# don't need to change them. The machine will still boot
# with the default values

# =======================================================================

# ====================== System configuration ===========================

# # Setup the console
# # If set to no, KEYMAP,FONT,FONT_MAP,FONT_UNIMAP has no effects


# # Set RTC [UTC|localtime].


# # Use udev [yes|no]
# # If set to no the following variables has no effects or set to no:


# # Kernel configuration with sysctl [yes|no].


# # Force a check of filesystem partition [yes|no].


# # Use rc.local script [yes|no].


# # Boot inside a container [yes|no].
# # If set to yes the following variables have no effect or are set to no:


# # Apply tmpfiles.d configuration file [yes|no].


# # Load kernel modules [yes|no].


# # Load modules from modules.d files


# # Populate ramdom seed


# ========================== Security ===================================

# # Active encrypted devices [yes|no].


# # Firewall program to use [iptables|ip6tables|nftables|ebtables|arptables]
# # Comment to not use any firewall at all.


# ========================== Pseudo filesystem ==========================

# # Mount cgroups [yes|no].


# # Mount /proc directory [yes|no].


# # Mount /sys directory [yes|no].


# # Mount /dev directory [yes|no].


# # Mount /run directory [yes|no].


# # Mount /tmp directory [yes|no].


# # Mount /dev/pts directory [yes|no].
# # Only valuable if MNT_DEV is set to yes.


# # Mount /dev/shm directory [yes|no].
# # Only valuable if MNT_DEV is set to yes.


# # Mount no-network filesystem [yes|no].
# # Fstype mounted is: nosysfs,nonfs,nonfs4,nosmbfs,nocifs


# # Create and mount /sys/firmware/efi/efivars, /sys/fs/fuse/connections,
# # /sys/kernel/{config,debug,security} and /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
# # if exist at /proc/filesystems


# # Create and mount /dev/{hugepages,mqueue}
# # if exist at /proc/filesystems


# # Create /run/{lvm,user,lock,utmp} directories


# # Create /tmp/{.X11-unix,.ICE-unix} files

paradis# 66-env -V boot@ system
/etc/66/conf/boot@ system/2.2.1 current
paradis# ls -al /etc |grep localtime
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 Dec  8 11:27 localtime
it shows 11:26 but its 12:08pm here in UK
paradis# 66-inresolve -t boot local-time
Name             : local-time
Description      : Set localtime
Version          : 2.2.1
Logger           : None
Logreal          : None
Logassoc         : None
Dstlog           : None
Deps             : mount-rw
Optsdeps         : None
Extdeps          : None
Contents         : None
Src              : /usr/lib/66/service/boot@ system/service/local/local-time
Srconf           : /etc/66/conf/boot@ system/2.2.1/local-time
Live             : /run/66/
Runat            : /run/66/tree/0/boot/servicedirs/local-time
Tree             : /var/lib/66/system/boot
Treename         : boot
State            : /run/66/state/0/boot
Exec_run         : 
	if { 66-yeller -cdp local-time -1 /dev/console starts... }
	if -nt {
		execl-envfile ${conf_file}
		s6-ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime
	66-yeller -fcdp local-time -1 /dev/console crashed!

Real_exec_run    : 
fdmove -c 2 1
execl-envfile /etc/66/conf/boot@ system/2.2.1/local-time/version

	if { 66-yeller -cdp local-time -1 /dev/console starts... }
	if -nt {
		execl-envfile ${conf_file}
		s6-ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime
	66-yeller -fcdp local-time -1 /dev/console crashed!

Exec_finish      : None
Real_exec_finish : None
Type             : 3
Ndeps            : 1
Noptsdeps        : 0
Nextdeps         : 0
Ncontents        : 0
Down             : 0
Disen            : 1
UTC and GMT are small text files, GB or /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London are binaries.

Could this have anything to do with it? In your boot@ system you have specified GMT which points to /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT
-rw-r--r-- 10 root root 114 Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT0
-rw-r--r-- 10 root root 114 Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT-0
-rw-r--r-- 10 root root 114 Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT+0
-rw-r--r-- 10 root root 114 Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT
-rw-r--r-- 7 root root 3.6K Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB-Eire
-rw-r--r-- 7 root root 3.6K Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB
-rw-r--r-- 8 root root 114 Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
-rw-r--r-- 7 root root 3.6K Oct 25 16:43 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London
So, you hit a bug here.
The trouble come from the fact that the creation of the symlink pass to directory from a file and vise-versa. The service should remove the symlink before trying to create it to avoid this kind of trouble.
The section start section should be:
Okay, cool i have no idea what you talking about ;P

What am i supposed to do now

anyways thanks :) have a nice day :)
but this doesn't make sense, ln -s creates a link, ln -sf replaces a link, so the rm -rf the link is redundant.
@ Mounerje

First remove the last slash at TZ=GMT/ in your boot@ system service configuration file
remove your /etc/localtime symlink and create a new one
# rm -rf /etc/localtime
# s6-ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/locatime
check it
% ls -la /etc/localtime                        
lrwxrwxrwx 1 obarun users 23 Dec  9 09:55 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT
the first letter of the line should be 'l' and not 'd'

@ fungalnet This doesn't work as it. -f means do not yell if the symlink exist and replace it. But if your symlink point to a directory, lt interpret it as a directory and it will try to create the new symlink inside this directory.

Make a simple test
% mkdir /tmp/dir
% touch /tmp/file
% sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/dir
% ln -sf /tmp/dir /tmp/sym 
% ln -sf /tmp/file /tmp/sym
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/tmp/sym/file': Permission denied
I am afraid that this bug is still there
today i had it again

so i had to rm -rf /etc/localtime again
and mkdir /etc/localtime

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