I have a user tree for audio, but for some reason I'm not able to interact with it anymore. I realised sound wasn't coming through my bluetooth headphones, so I tried
% 66-all -t audio up
but errors kept getting thrown. I also tried deleting it to remake the tree
% 66-tree -RU audio
but the same errors were thrown. I'm able to disable/enable services in the tree, but that seems to be it. The error persists beyond reboots.

The error/s
Default verbosity:
 [..] unable to reload scandir: /run/66/scandir/1000: No such file or directory 
Verbosity 4:
 [...] fatal: scandir: /run/66/scandir/1000 is not running 
You should have a boot-user tree (default name on installation) which is a root level tree. Can you provide us with the output of:
% sudo 66-intree -zg boot-user

Also look at this wiki if you see something wrong (not running not existing) https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=dbus_and_dm
and also look at obnews (% obnews.sh) if you haven''t made the changes since the new boot@ module was released.

The error indicates that the scandir for user 1000 (usually the id given to the first user created in a system, 1001 will be the second and so on) doesn't exist. In this /run/66/scandir/1000 is where s6 reads the user(1000) services and supervises their operation. So I am willing to bet that there is a problem with your boot-user tree.

No user level services will run unless a boot-user tree and module for the user is running.
Ah, I didn't seem to have a boot-user tree. Set one up and that seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks
The use of dbus and consolekit and then user dbus is separate from having to have a user scandir.
As the term indicates and similar to runit runsvdir, the software scans for links to service definitions and attempts to run what it finds in the directory. Root is user 0 in nearly all linux (AFAIK). So running things for 0 and for 1000, 1001, 1002. etc you have to tell the system in advance. That is what boot-user@ username does. The use of consolekit and/or dbus is optional for what you think is necessary. It is hard for the dev to make all decisions for everyone. This is why the setup on JWM, OB is not exactly the same as it is for xfce4 or plasma. Base installation gets no user tree, if this is what you started with. I've never used it on openbox. 66 sets things up for what is thrown at "scandir" to be crunched.

I may be oversimplifying things, you can read the details up on the link to the right "software" and skarnet's site about s6.

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