Hello Forum, issue is described in the title. I will workaround by using "pacman -Sdd" in terminal then manually creating symlink if need be. Any other solutions welcome.

Edit:Solution jwm updated...thank you obcommunity maintainer!
EMPHASIS: This ONLY concerns those using testing repositories, nobody else.

I was just reading about this since it has been creating problems since yesterday. I would rather keep the older pkg for now till everything else catches up. Even though pkg info by arch says the libjpeg is required to be at GE 7 and libjpeg-turbo provides libjpeg 8.2 now, while the stable pkg doesn't specify the version, I assume 7 but 8 is greater than 7 .. I suspect that JWM may have to be rebuilt before this libjpeg is turned to stable.

So if you don't want to risk your jwm breaking, it might be better to revert (pacman -S extra/libjpeg-turbo) and then when you upgrade use --ignore libjpeg-turbo at the end of the pacman command.

Also all the qt5- packages need to be reverted since qt5-base in obcore is of previous version. Otherwise most of your qt based application might break.
It seems very peculiar to me because comparing the lib files in question between stable& testing seems the same. Oh well, good tip.

About all the qt5* packages, I learned just to put qt5* after the "IgnorePkg=" line in pacman.conf and delay update until I get green light from obextra maintainer.

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