Howdy :cool:,
I've tried making my own 66 service for Picom, since it regularly stops working and I thought doing this might fix it. So I followed the directions in the wiki, but I'm not too sure where I'm meant to actually place the file so that it can be added to a tree. I thought it might be ~/.66/service, but running $ 66-tree -t graphics -S picom didn't work.
This is the service file at the moment:
I've tried making my own 66 service for Picom, since it regularly stops working and I thought doing this might fix it. So I followed the directions in the wiki, but I'm not too sure where I'm meant to actually place the file so that it can be added to a tree. I thought it might be ~/.66/service, but running $ 66-tree -t graphics -S picom didn't work.
This is the service file at the moment:
@ type = !longrun
@ name = !picom
@ description = "X compositor that may fix tearing issues"
@ depends = !( hicolor-icon-theme libconfig libdbus
libev libgl libx11 libxcb
libxext pcre pixman xcb-util-image
xcb-util-renderutil picom )
@ optsdepends = !( dbus python xorg-xprop xorg-xwininfo )
@ user = !( user ) # got a little confused here, wasn't sure if was literally meant to put "user" or my username
@ build = !auto
@ shebang = !"/usr/bin/picom"
@ execute = !( --experimental-backends )
@ build = !auto
@ shebang = !"/usr/bin/killall"
@ execute = !( -q picom )