- Edited
When the environment variables are set in custom 66 service files, a bug occurs where the last 2 chars (ignoring spaces) of each line are repeated. Obviously, this causes issues with some running services. This happens on both of my devices, so it doesn't seem like it's just something I messed up.
My monero@ service file:
EDIT: Just realised I had an error in the [stop] section, it was killing mpd instead of monero. It's unrelated to the bug, just wanted to get it out of the way.
My monero@ service file:
@ type=longrun
@ version=0.0.1
@ description="The secure, private, untraceable peer-to-peer currency"
@ user=( magicalsenpai )
@ options=( log env )
@ execute=( execl-cmdline -s { monerod --config-file ${conf} --data-dir ${data} ${cmd_args} } )
@ execute=( execl-cmdline -s { mpd --kill } )
conf = !/home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/monerod.conf
data = !/home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero
cmd_args = !--max-concurrency 16 --log-level 4
66-intree -g crypto
Name : crypto
Initialized : yes
Enabled : yes
Starts after : user-audio graphics user-net
Current : no
Allowed : magicalsenpai
Symlinks : svc->source db->source
Contents : /
├─(19005,Enabled,longrun) monero@ magicalsenpai-log
└─(2312,Enabled,longrun) monero@ magicalsenpai
66-inservice -g monero@ magicalsenpai
Name : monero@ magicalsenpai
Version : 0.0.1
In tree : crypto
Status : enabled, up (pid 4245) 0 seconds
Type : longrun
Description : A music player daemon
Source : /home/magicalsenpai/.66/service/monero@ magicalsenpai
Live : /run/66/tree/1000/crypto/servicedirs/monero@ magicalsenpai
Dependencies : /
└─(19005,Enabled,longrun) monero@ magicalsenpai-log
External dependencies : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script : execl-cmdline -s { monerod --config-file ${conf} --data-dir ${data} ${cmd_args} }
Stop script : execl-cmdline -s { mpd --kill }
Environment source : /home/magicalsenpai/.66/conf/monero@ magicalsenpai/0.0.1
Environment file : conf=!/home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
Log name : monero@ magicalsenpai-log
Log destination : /home/magicalsenpai/.66/log/monero@ magicalsenpai
Log file :
2020-12-18 17:51:03.646823505 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:04.680354557 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:05.713860671 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:06.747437709 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:07.781807494 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:08.815302648 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:09.849700826 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:10.883935828 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:11.917174952 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:12.951581886 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:13.985680292 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:15.019311341 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:16.053276006 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:17.087674023 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:18.121933020 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:19.155708089 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:20.189340822 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:21.222613869 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
2020-12-18 17:51:22.256632425 Can't find config file /home/magicalsenpai/.config/bitmonero/bitmonero.confnf
The entire log file is that line repeated, fyiEDIT: Just realised I had an error in the [stop] section, it was killing mpd instead of monero. It's unrelated to the bug, just wanted to get it out of the way.