but anyway since updated i cant use sddm from xfce installation and libcuuc.so.67 wont open!!! HELP!!!!1
what the heck is going on with sddm and terminals
icu is now 68 but if you revert to 67 other things are going to break. It is one of those rare parts of the year that Arch has made its name for :) Breaking
last advertisement, i will not have patience for this kind of post!
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Yeah fuck that I should not be allowed to go on internet.
So I am going off... Offline life is less problems.
So I am going off... Offline life is less problems.
What happened here lmao. The issue is just a bunch of software not updating yet to use with the newest version of icu, right? I just downgraded icu, added it to my ignore list, and am waiting for tor and a few other programs to release new versions. Ez.
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Oh nothing, i just celebrited Christmas yesterday night and got drunk really badlymagicalsenpai wroteWhat happened here lmao.
Later when i lied down on the bed i was so drunk i fking fell off and slept on the floor
I had fun night got really pissed so i got mad that i wasn't able to open fking terminal when i wanted to download some youtube-dl shit.
But fortunately there is option to delete own post, uhh.... Good for me.