
Yesterday, i've tried to install lebiniou from AUR. One of the dependency, yder (from community repo) need systemd but can work without it.
It was easy to do. But where/how we can make a repository for there PKGBUILD?
As far as I know, all the work for the past 6-7 years of Obarun have brought barely enough donations to cover the current server rental and not even enough for enough building capacity.

If Eric and JM were working in designing a gui wrapper for pulseaudio or systemd control panel gui there would have been much more money and wider linux acceptance.

So that is what takes to make an OUR, time and space. Maybe the entire project would turn into a source based distro where all pkg are based on PKGBUILDs or OBARbuilds ... It could be glibc and musl based with an appropriate adjustment in the pkg management. Many nice things are possible.

The question we should ask, is, WHAT is it that other distros sell and receive such generous help from corporations.
I understand.
It's hard to publicize Linux distro without systemd. Don't know why.
I would love this, but the devs are already quite overburdened. I'd say that the community would need to set up and maintain an OUR ourselves if we really want one.

fungal_net wrote [...] Maybe the entire project would turn into a source based distro where all pkg are based on PKGBUILDs or OBARbuilds ... It could be glibc and musl based with an appropriate adjustment in the pkg management
This would be my dream distro lol
To answer my own question above, what other distros sell, my answer is they sell "users" ... to whom would be a different question asked by someone else :) I consider systemd and therefore elogind and its snitch, dbus, spyware at this point.

This would be my dream distro as well, and I am all for organization. I have tried and tried to grasp the ideas of git functionality and the are of painting a pkgbuild, but it seems I am not there yet, or lost somewhere. Before we would do such a thing though there has to be a long discussion on how we do it, principles, values, what we do and what we don't. This promotion of freedom to individually do what each likes ends up being an empty babel, no content, no inspiration, no character. Another AUR disaster where packages are outdated and have no source where they are pointing, or incompatible and inexistent libraries, and no mechanism to check how they fit together. I've run into aur packages that conflict and have same name files with Arch packages. Same name different function. (try installing anopa besides apparmor for example)
I think that we need a way to publish PKGBUILD like yder (which is from the arch community repo) as if we want/need it, the package can't be installed.
A PR on the officiel Obarun repo is more work for Eric and JM. But only a few people need yder.
Arch dev add more and more systemd dependencies. And it's more and more work for the small Obarun team.
If I ask Arch dev to add systemd as an optional dependency where not really needed (like for yder), they kill me.
I'll create a git repo (on framagit) for my own PKGBUILD. If someone need them.
Guys, i think about an OUR from a long time now. I think to be independent from Arch from a long time now. I think to be able to build with glibc and musl from a long time now. I think to be able to build for different architecture like ARM from a long time now. I think to have a Obarun release version and an edge version (like Alpine do) from a long time now. I think to split dev package from the main package to reduce the size of the system from a long time now. I think to patch pacman to provide the OUR directly from pacman from...

Sometime a dream rest a dream and sometime a dream become true...

Actually, Obarun need packagers for sure. With a few group of people (maybe 5-7) we can provide a complete distro with DE. To accomplish this we need to build approximately 4500 package.
It will not be difficult to allow some "trusted" user to deal with the official Obarun repo. We actually have own tool for that (pkg-deploy written in python).
The most difficult part is to find "serious" people. This is an hard work which take time to do and need to be done for a long time :)
I've started my repo here. Nothing for now. I'll add my PKGBUILDs soon.

EDIT: yder added
2 months later
Probably a useless question, but does anyone know how do the people at nixOS automates their package repositories so efficiently?

According to Repology, nixOS only has 1642 maintainers, but 25761 up-to-date packages! Compare that with Arch's 10410 maintainers to just 15330 up-to-date packages...

If we could figure out their pipeline, then getting an OUR up with very little people and resources might be viable.
worth adding are mpd, transmission-daemon too (coz im biased and use them alot)
We are currently working on our gitlab instance. Actually all package from framagit are already built with your own gitlab-runner on our server. The next step is to provide the gitlab instance. From that point the OUR should be possible.

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