On my Arch Linux BSPWM I have setup polybar , in launcher module I need Arch Linux logo on polybar

content = 
content-font= 3
content-foreground=# 6E56AF
content-padding = 1
click-left= "rofi -show drun"

I have added the unicode block for that logo but It does not show up on polybar .

I have nerd fonts and awesome fonts installed but still does not seem to work .

Any Idea How can I get this working?

I don't know about others but I can not read the characters you have at "content = " or at the end following the Q?
The Arch Linux logo is only in nerdfonts. You need to add it to your polybar config:
Polybar wiki
@ bda65

Thanks , I have added Nerd font to polybar configuration already

font-0 = DejaVu Sans:medium:size=9;2
font-1 = Hack Nerd Font:size=9;2
font-2 = Iosevka Nerd Font:medium:size=9:antialias=true;2

But I guess either its the type of Nerd font needed or size may be that it is not working
git clone https://github.com/adi1090x/polybar-themes

cd polybar-themes
ls -al
you see a setup.sh
run it "sh *.sh"
it backs up your ~/.config/polybar into ~/.config/polybar-old
and creates a new ./config/polybar
cd ./config/polybar
sh launch.sh

If you don't have mpc/mpd installed it will produce an error for not finding that music playing module, otherwise it work well.
You can select a theme that you like and customize after it.
ok, so you added the fonts into polybar config.. but do you have that necessary font file? or have comfirmed the right name to use (fc-list).
if these are from adi1090x themes, then you need his specific font files as he modifies them himself.
The arch logo is F303 and is in /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Symbols-1000-em Nerd Font Complete.ttf from the ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono package.
polybarers seem to meet and exchange info here https://www.reddit.com/r/Polybar

When I fist tried it was driving me mad because the most basic of info wasn't there, what defines the bar that starts. It ended up being "main" defined in the standard conf file as "the" bar.
It all started coming back to me after I installed it again to see the issue, I am surprised people will put so much effort into something like this. I just don't get it. Sorry, no judgement here, it must be part of my autism.
fungal_net wrotepolybarers seem to meet and exchange info here https://www.reddit.com/r/Polybar

When I fist tried it was driving me mad because the most basic of info wasn't there, what defines the bar that starts. It ended up being "main" defined in the standard conf file as "the" bar.
It all started coming back to me after I installed it again to see the issue, I am surprised people will put so much effort into something like this. I just don't get it. Sorry, no judgement here, it must be part of my autism.
better that, or script every module on the bar (or worse use bar-like wrappers which just relies mostly on lemonbar for e.g.)

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