as stated on title, the package is missing its dependency on install..

on a related note, how do you view logs with this? (or do you need to have these since 66 already has individual logs or running apps). metalog doc says logs are in /dev/logs. but how to view these since its a sock file
the package is missing its dependency on install.
Oops, thanks for the reports. It was fixed on the observice repo.

Metalog is a replacement of syslog-ng and react at the same manner. So, depending of the metalog configuration file, you should get the logs at /var/log/<something>

For something like sinit or runit this may be useful, but for 66 what can it do that 66 doesn't already do? Unless you run daemons and services unsupervised by s6. Even a service file for metalog seems silly, it is logging the logger.
Catching anything earlier than 66 creates in /run/66/log/0/current is nearly impossible, and it is one of the advantages of s6. By the time runit mounts a volume up to be able to write a log it is most likely too late if you have a boot problem.

# 66-inservice -p15 ntpd
gives a little more information out than
# cat /var/log/66/ntpd/current
# ls -altr /var/log/66
fungal_net wrote

For something like sinit or runit this may be useful, but for 66 what can it do that 66 doesn't already do? Unless you run daemons and services unsupervised by s6. Even a service file for metalog seems silly, it is logging the logger.
Catching anything earlier than 66 creates in /run/66/log/0/current is nearly impossible, and it is one of the advantages of s6. By the time runit mounts a volume up to be able to write a log it is most likely too late if you have a boot problem.

# 66-inservice -p15 ntpd
gives a little more information out than
# cat /var/log/66/ntpd/current
# ls -altr /var/log/66
regardless if how useful or not this is is not the point. provided it has a service file, its expected to work, even at default which wont in this case due to missing conf..

seems like its a waste of time reporting issues with these kind of single-minded thinking...
I am not an obarun dev, I don't package, and I don't make any decisions, my point here is just of a user promoting discussion. It is not criticism towards you, but quite the opposite, it is criticism towards the decision to package such software.
Alternatively it is an inquiry for possible misunderstandings I have about the specific software type.

You are misunderstanding my intentions here, and I apologize if I offended you. Both your remarks are absolutely valid.
And since we see that Eric took notice and corrected the first, I don't see why you say it is a waste of time.

While I was trying to understand the difficulties or possible solutions for void's dilemma in adopting s6 and possibly 66 I have tried to use runit and sinit-ssm side by side with s6/66 in obarun/arch. Adopting a logging system that can substitute 66's functionality was one of the obstacles. Metalog was one of the choices I made for runit/sinit-ssm.

regardless if how useful or not this is is not the point. provided it has a service file, its expected to work, even at default which wont in this case due to missing conf..
You're totally right, fixed. it was just a error into the package.
seems like its a waste of time reporting issues with these kind of single-minded thinking...
I talk about me and only about me:
You should understand something, i don't get any money to provide Obarun and all the things that i provide. That means that i need a day job to pay my bills. It's 10:30 pm here and i currently updating the metalog package to fix the issue.
Actually, i'm really busy (should i say REALLY busy) and i can't be everywhere. Some threads on this forum need my attention (i'm aware about this) like the one about the lightdm issue but i don't find the time to answer. That not means that i'm not aware or interesting to have reports. That not means that i will not try to fix the issue, that just means that i haven't the time right now to fix it.

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