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TLDR: How does system administration and maintenance of Obarun differ from EndeavourOS and Artix, as an ordinary, semi-braindead user?
I'm currently on EndeavourOS for the moment, and would like to switch to a SystemD-free Arch variant running Xfce. I'm also currently testing Artix S6. I would like to know what the possible differences are in maintaining the system as a (mostly) stable desktop OS. I'm currently on a 5 years old Intel/Nvidia laptop.
My current life on SystemD-tainted EndeavourOS:
After installing via Calamares, most maintainance can be handled with the helper yay that is pre-bundled. I run only "yay" to update, "yay <name>" to download new packages, and "yay -Rs <name>" to delete unused stuff and libraries. Dependencies are all handled automatically. For work, all I require is Firefox and working webcam+mic, which goes through PulseAudio. Evince is used for PDF viewing.
Autologin is enabled on the Calamares installer to save time during boot up. Xfce's internal compositor is disabled in favour of Picom. An ICM colour profile is applied with the help of xiccd. Plank is used as a shortcuts dock. On personal internet use, I have LibreWolf, Tor Browser and Deluge. Music is played via DeadBeef, and bypasses ALSA resampling to a USB DAC. Pictures are viewed with Viewnior. Videos are consumed through a custom-configured mpv, upscaled with SSSR, and goes through PulseAudio Equalizer and PulseAudio itself. Bpytop monitors my resource usage.
Games are played through Steam, GOG installers and Lutris for those pesky Windows-only ones and handled via Optimus Manager. Voice communication is done through the Discord app on PulseAudio, but only because the browser one messes with me. Atom, iPython and JupiterLab are used for basic Python coding. Engrampa handles archives, which also include ZIP, 7z and RAR. If the worse happens, ArchWiki and most online tutorials are of use, and I can directly apply terminal commands.
My experiences so far with Artix:
On my experience with Artix so far, Xfce is installed by default via Calamares, with most above needs covered. Autologin is wonky and still being sorted out. I can install yay through pacman, then stick with yay for package management. At worse, I need to manually update S6's database with new services, remove old services, then bring current services up/down. The terminal reminds me of this whenever I install the equivalent S6 script for a package on yay. Optimus Manager can't be used as the AUR package has a SystemD service as a requirement. If stuff breaks, I can chroot. Not all of ArchWiki and the net works due to SystemD dependence, and my lack of knowledge of S6. Otherwise, everything works as normal, as it's only "moderately" avoiding SystemD.
My worries about Obarun (will split this up into separate question posts later once I get to setup Obarun):
I'm still downloading the JWM ISO for Obarun, and have been reading the Wiki. If I'm not wrong, the JWM ISO lets me install Xfce and the whole system via a terminal-based lite-GUI, right? Am I able to skip having a display manager entirely since I prefer autologin? I'm also uncertain how does Pacopts and Cower differ in syntax and operation from yay, and how system upgrades and packages are handled.
Since Obarun "strictly" avoids SystemD, I'm worried about PulseAudio, specifically its GUI mixer. PipeWire is probably out too as it depends heavily on GNOME, and I'm not sure if an ALSA-only GUI mixer like PulseAudio Mixer's exists, short of terminal-based alsamixer. Obarun uses Zsh, but is this irrelevant as I don't write Zsh (or even Bash) scripts? The Optimus Manager package from AUR might be out too as it needs a SystemD service, and I'm unable to code my own S6 script. Shame about the increased performance, but maybe Bumblebee or others still works? How does 66 simplify life compared to Artix's non-66 S6 init/service management?
I'm currently on EndeavourOS for the moment, and would like to switch to a SystemD-free Arch variant running Xfce. I'm also currently testing Artix S6. I would like to know what the possible differences are in maintaining the system as a (mostly) stable desktop OS. I'm currently on a 5 years old Intel/Nvidia laptop.
My current life on SystemD-tainted EndeavourOS:
After installing via Calamares, most maintainance can be handled with the helper yay that is pre-bundled. I run only "yay" to update, "yay <name>" to download new packages, and "yay -Rs <name>" to delete unused stuff and libraries. Dependencies are all handled automatically. For work, all I require is Firefox and working webcam+mic, which goes through PulseAudio. Evince is used for PDF viewing.
Autologin is enabled on the Calamares installer to save time during boot up. Xfce's internal compositor is disabled in favour of Picom. An ICM colour profile is applied with the help of xiccd. Plank is used as a shortcuts dock. On personal internet use, I have LibreWolf, Tor Browser and Deluge. Music is played via DeadBeef, and bypasses ALSA resampling to a USB DAC. Pictures are viewed with Viewnior. Videos are consumed through a custom-configured mpv, upscaled with SSSR, and goes through PulseAudio Equalizer and PulseAudio itself. Bpytop monitors my resource usage.
Games are played through Steam, GOG installers and Lutris for those pesky Windows-only ones and handled via Optimus Manager. Voice communication is done through the Discord app on PulseAudio, but only because the browser one messes with me. Atom, iPython and JupiterLab are used for basic Python coding. Engrampa handles archives, which also include ZIP, 7z and RAR. If the worse happens, ArchWiki and most online tutorials are of use, and I can directly apply terminal commands.
My experiences so far with Artix:
On my experience with Artix so far, Xfce is installed by default via Calamares, with most above needs covered. Autologin is wonky and still being sorted out. I can install yay through pacman, then stick with yay for package management. At worse, I need to manually update S6's database with new services, remove old services, then bring current services up/down. The terminal reminds me of this whenever I install the equivalent S6 script for a package on yay. Optimus Manager can't be used as the AUR package has a SystemD service as a requirement. If stuff breaks, I can chroot. Not all of ArchWiki and the net works due to SystemD dependence, and my lack of knowledge of S6. Otherwise, everything works as normal, as it's only "moderately" avoiding SystemD.
My worries about Obarun (will split this up into separate question posts later once I get to setup Obarun):
I'm still downloading the JWM ISO for Obarun, and have been reading the Wiki. If I'm not wrong, the JWM ISO lets me install Xfce and the whole system via a terminal-based lite-GUI, right? Am I able to skip having a display manager entirely since I prefer autologin? I'm also uncertain how does Pacopts and Cower differ in syntax and operation from yay, and how system upgrades and packages are handled.
Since Obarun "strictly" avoids SystemD, I'm worried about PulseAudio, specifically its GUI mixer. PipeWire is probably out too as it depends heavily on GNOME, and I'm not sure if an ALSA-only GUI mixer like PulseAudio Mixer's exists, short of terminal-based alsamixer. Obarun uses Zsh, but is this irrelevant as I don't write Zsh (or even Bash) scripts? The Optimus Manager package from AUR might be out too as it needs a SystemD service, and I'm unable to code my own S6 script. Shame about the increased performance, but maybe Bumblebee or others still works? How does 66 simplify life compared to Artix's non-66 S6 init/service management?