I switched from zsh to bash and extended the PATH variable in
~/.profile by additional directories containing programs.
Despite exporting PATH in ~/.profile my modifications of PATH were
gone after startx.
The culprit seems to be the file svscan@ bf in ~/.66/conf/svscan@ bf --
somehow executed in ~/.xinitrc -- which contains the line
which seems to be responsible for undoing my modification of PATH in
Whether this should be called a bug may be a matter of taste.
At least, I think that it's no nice behaviour.
I solved the problem in an ad hoc manner by deleting this line.
(Just putting a comment hash at the beginning of this line did
not work.)
I suppose that just deleting cannot be a general solution.
I want to ask the Obarun Team to find some solution to this problem of
resetting PATH during starx since I might not be the only user who
will be afficted by the current situation. And to change the Obarun
install procedures accordingly.
Resetting the PATH variable ist not the only problem there.
There are other variables reset in svscan@ bf, in particular the XDG_*
variables, whose default values some user might have changed in his
~/.profile. I suppose such changes will not survive startx neither.
~/.profile by additional directories containing programs.
Despite exporting PATH in ~/.profile my modifications of PATH were
gone after startx.
The culprit seems to be the file svscan@ bf in ~/.66/conf/svscan@ bf --
somehow executed in ~/.xinitrc -- which contains the line
which seems to be responsible for undoing my modification of PATH in
Whether this should be called a bug may be a matter of taste.
At least, I think that it's no nice behaviour.
I solved the problem in an ad hoc manner by deleting this line.
(Just putting a comment hash at the beginning of this line did
not work.)
I suppose that just deleting cannot be a general solution.
I want to ask the Obarun Team to find some solution to this problem of
resetting PATH during starx since I might not be the only user who
will be afficted by the current situation. And to change the Obarun
install procedures accordingly.
Resetting the PATH variable ist not the only problem there.
There are other variables reset in svscan@ bf, in particular the XDG_*
variables, whose default values some user might have changed in his
~/.profile. I suppose such changes will not survive startx neither.