error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
procps-ng: /usr/bin/pwait exists in filesystem (owned by extrace-git)
Rebuild extrace and rename extrace-pwait?How can one fix this? procps-ng conflicts with extrace
--overwrite <path>?
overwriting is not a good solution because procps-ng is an official package whereas extrace come from AUR. Also, i trust the procps-ng dev but extrace....
You should make a reports to the maintainer of the extrace-git package about this conflicts
You should make a reports to the maintainer of the extrace-git package about this conflicts
@ negative you can overwrite but you loose the functionality of the overwritten package's file. Same name totally different use.
@ Eric I understand, but both pkgs existed before, the upgrade of procps-ng is what introduced this new file.
I wonder if there can be a chart/db of all the files/dirs/links of each pkg and include AUR so packagers can know when they will be a conflict and figure out ways to avoid it. Food for thought for future plans of Obarun-independence. Ofcourse there are pkgs that by default conflict and can't coexist and they will have conflicts, like libre and open pkgs providing the same named daemon/service
@ Eric I understand, but both pkgs existed before, the upgrade of procps-ng is what introduced this new file.
I wonder if there can be a chart/db of all the files/dirs/links of each pkg and include AUR so packagers can know when they will be a conflict and figure out ways to avoid it. Food for thought for future plans of Obarun-independence. Ofcourse there are pkgs that by default conflict and can't coexist and they will have conflicts, like libre and open pkgs providing the same named daemon/service
Without breaking the FHS convention? :/I wonder if there can be a chart/db of all the files/dirs/links of each pkg and include AUR so packagers can know when they will be a conflict and figure out ways to avoid it.
Here we reach the limit of the FHS, it should be possible on slashpackage convention or other filesystem hierarchy like Gobolinux, Nixos or Guixos
I tried guix once, I wanted to see how their init works, but after looking at that filesystem and packaging, worse than android, I shut it off and never looked back. Horrible looking thing.
I am not saying this should be part of the system, or changin it in any way, just a publicly available dataset
Like if you run pacman -Ql on every package in the repository system and combining the output in a database file. So filename conflicts would be recorded if they exist. If it is meant to be a conflict then OK, but making a new package with a new filename it can be checked if the name is used already.
I tried to play with anope a while ago, and it had a file/files that crossed with apparmor (I think that is what it was).
I am not saying this should be part of the system, or changin it in any way, just a publicly available dataset
Like if you run pacman -Ql on every package in the repository system and combining the output in a database file. So filename conflicts would be recorded if they exist. If it is meant to be a conflict then OK, but making a new package with a new filename it can be checked if the name is used already.
I tried to play with anope a while ago, and it had a file/files that crossed with apparmor (I think that is what it was).