When booting an Obarun installation, which I haven't used for about
a week, I got a crash message before login telling me to look at


for further info.

I found at the end of this file:

2021-03-13 23:16:33.037404528 s6-svlisten1: fatal: timed out
2021-03-13 23:16:33.038385936 66-all: fatal: unable to start services selection
2021-03-13 23:16:33.040735237 all-Runtime: fatal: crashed! -- Your machine is operational but some runtime service failed to start correctly. Please see the complete boot log at /run/66/log/0/current for further information.

What might have happened?
which I haven't used for about a week
Without changing anything between the last shutdown and your power on??
Did you updated the system before shutting down your machine and never rebooted from that time?
Are you up to date?
is your swap or any mounted drives listed in /etc/fstab changed since last boot? This is the most common source of failure.

Did you try C-S-F12 so you can enter and diagnose further?
Thanks for your replies

I just made a software update -- the last update was on March 2 --
but this didn't eliminate the error at booting.

I don't remember what I did last, and whether I rebooted already after
March 2 and the crash occurring on booting on March 13.
I have other linux distros installed on this laptop which I booted
recently in order to make updates.
Don't remember having done anything else.

fstab dates from February 6. Therefore, no recent change.
It lists the Obarun partition and a swap partition.
swapon -s shows the swap partition.

I'm able to login. With startx there is a crash of the call to 66-all
in ~/.xinitrc, but JWM comes up.
I can start some programs -- xterm, urxvt terminal, emacs, firefox,
telegram-desktop, signal-desktop -- and they seem to work.
If grub is handled by another distro check if the stub for obarun is ro
In most cases when os-prober is expected to make an entry it messes it up, it is better to cut the menuentry and submenus from obarun's /boot/grub/grub.cfg and transfer it as is in the distribution handling grub in /boot/grub/custom.cfg

If you are using grub, I don't know.

If you can login as user to tty12 please provide
% sudo 66-intree -g
% 66-intree -g

outputs here enclosed with
 [ code ]  tags [ / code ] 
I think I found the culprit.
scandir isn't running.

I captured the output of startx and found the line
66-all: fatal: scandir: /run/66/scandir/1000 is not running
and as far as I start understanding, the following line
     ├─(down,Enabled,module) scandir@ bf
might say something similar.

Here are all the trees immediately after login

User trees:
m 66-intree 
Name         : base
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : bf
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ bf-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-session@ bf
               └─(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) xdg-user-dirs
Root trees
cat s66-intree
Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(158,Enabled,classic) tty@ tty12
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-proc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-pts
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-shm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-cgroups
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) 00
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Mount
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hwclock
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-kernel
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-random
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-system
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-sysctl
               ├─(204,Enabled,longrun) udevd-log
               ├─(371,Enabled,longrun) udevd
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) udevadm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fontnkey
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fsck
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-fstab
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-System
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-rw
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-netfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-loop
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-sethostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-time
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-authfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-tmpfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-dmesg
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Local
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) all-Runtime
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) All
               ├─(773,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@ tty1
               ├─(772,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@ tty2
               └─(up,Enabled,module) boot@ system

Name         : root
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(635,Enabled,classic) openntpd-log
               ├─(638,Enabled,classic) openntpd
               ├─(637,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,classic) wpa_supplicant
               ├─(662,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
               ├─(668,Enabled,longrun) dbus
               ├─(660,Enabled,longrun) consolekit-log
               ├─(677,Enabled,longrun) consolekit
               ├─(657,Enabled,longrun) connmand-log
               └─(678,Enabled,longrun) connmand

Name         : boot-user
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : root
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(down,Enabled,oneshot) setenv@ bf
               ├─(718,Enabled,longrun) svscan@ bf-log
               ├─(0,Enabled,longrun) svscan@ bf
               ├─(down,Enabled,module) scandir@ bf
               ├─(down,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run@ bf
               └─(down,Enabled,module) boot-user@ bf

I use grub, and it's Obarun who handles it.
Therefore, Obarun's menu entry should be ok.
Your booting is fine, the system at root level is fully functional, what is failing is your boot-user tree. It may have to do with the configuration of your boot-user@ bf, if the scandir for the user (bf 1000) is not running user level services such as dbus-user or pulseaudio will not be supervised.

If you can take a look at it through this:
# 66-env -t boot-user -e nano boot-user@ bf 
substitute nano for your editor of choice
and see what you have enabled/disabled

If for example your configuration says to use console-tracker or some DM like sddm and it is not installed/present/running the boot-user@ bf module will fail.
After you make changes you have to pass the new configuration to the tree by using 66-enable
# 66-enable -v4 -t boot-user -FS boot-user@ bf 
By starting it -S and using max. verb. -v4 you will get more output and hopefully it will tell you what the problem is.
If you commented all options out and ck and dbus are running JWM should have no problem, also look at your ~/.xinitrc

wpa_supplicant seems to be failing too. That is not immediately important, it may be because there is no wifi hw connected or the interface is down, if you have ethernet through connmand you can deal with it later.
I have two Obarun installations, on a laptop -- where there are the
boot problems -- and on a desktop booting without error. So I can compare.

The command
# 66-env -t boot-user -e nano boot-user@ bf 
shows identical files on both installations.
are the only uncommented lines.
Consequenlty, I suppose, the error must be somewhere else.
I executed the further command (immediately after login)
# 66-enable -v4 -t boot-user -FS boot-user@ bf 
352 lines of output. Shall I post it?

My ~/.xinitrc file was replaced
Nothing with grep -i error or grep -i fail .
But grep -i warning yields:
66-enable(src/lib66/ss_utils.c: read_svfile(): 311): warning: /usr/lib/66/service/scandir@ bf/service/svscan@ @M is empty
66-enable(src/lib66/ss_environ.c: env_import_version_file(): 300): warning: same configuration file version for: scandir@ bf -- nothing to import
66-enable(src/lib66/parser_enabled.c: parse_service_before(): 46): warning: ignoring: /usr/lib/66/service/scandir@ bf/service@ /setenv@ bf service: already parsed
66-enable(src/lib66/ss_environ.c: env_import_version_file(): 300): warning: same configuration file version for: boot-user@ bf -- nothing to import
boot-user@ bf: warning: move existing /home/bf/.xinitrc file to /home/bf/.xinitrc-23056778437.backup
66-enable(src/lib66/ss_environ.c: env_import_version_file(): 300): warning: same configuration file version for: svscan@ bf -- nothing to import
So the boot-user tree is still messed up?
Because if 66-intree -g shows the same picture as before this output should have included some errors.

# 66-inservice -t boot-user -p20 svscan@ bf

This should show the last 20 entries on the log, and why it is failing.
Surprise! Surprise! Obarun boots without error message.
Maybe I forgot to make a final reboot yesterday.

The boot-user tree looks good: all of it's contents is marked up or
has a PID

However, the output of
# 66-inservice -t boot-user -p20 svscan@ bf
contains an error message: .. fatal: scandir ....
(line 33 of the 51 lines of output)
Name                  : svscan@ bf
Version               : 0.3.1
In tree               : boot-user
Status                : enabled, up (pid 747) 1210 seconds, ready 1210 seconds
Type                  : longrun
Description           : Create and start a nested scandir for bf
Source                : /usr/lib/66/service/scandir@ bf/service@ /svscan@ bf
Live                  : /run/66/tree/0/boot-user/servicedirs/svscan@ bf
Dependencies          : setenv@ bf svscan@ bf-log
External dependencies : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script          :     s6-setsid -qb --
                            umask 022
                            if {
                                execl-cmdline -s { 66-scandir ${cmd_args_scandir} create }
                            execl-cmdline -s { 66-scanctl ${cmd_args_scanctl} start }
Stop script           :     66-scanctl -l /run/66/ stop
Environment source    : /etc/66/conf/scandir@ bf/0.3.1/svscan@ bf/0.3.1
Environment file      : environment variables from: /etc/66/conf/scandir@ bf/0.3.1/svscan@ bf/0.3.1/.svscan@ bf
                        cmd_args_scandir=!-v3 -l /run/66/
                        cmd_args_scanctl=!-v3 -d3 -l /run/66/ -e /home/bf/.66/conf/svscan@ bf

                        environment variables from: /etc/66/conf/scandir@ bf/0.3.1/svscan@ bf/0.3.1/svscan@ bf
                        cmd_args=!-v3 -d3 -l /run/66/ -e /home/bf/.66/conf/svscan@ bf

Log name              : svscan@ bf-log
Log destination       : /var/log/66/svscan@ bf
Log file              : 
2021-03-15 22:38:44.673349891  66-all: tracing: switch atomic services of: base to source
2021-03-15 22:38:44.674151334  66-scanctl: info: Sending -t signal to scandir: /run/66/scandir/1000...
2021-03-15 22:38:44.676530013  scandir /run/66/scandir/1000 shutted down...
2021-03-15 22:38:44.682826662  66-scanctl: fatal: scandir: /run/66/scandir/1000 is not running: No such device or address
2021-03-16 14:59:52.119499939  66-scandir: tracing: sanitize /run/66/ ...
2021-03-16 14:59:52.119567297  66-scandir: info: create scandir /run/66/scandir/1000 ...
2021-03-16 14:59:52.119569513  66-scandir: tracing: create directory: /run/66/scandir/1000
2021-03-16 14:59:52.119571389  66-scandir: tracing: chown directory: /run/66/scandir/1000 to: 1000:1000
2021-03-16 14:59:52.119573202  66-scandir: tracing: create directory: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120303136  66-scandir: tracing: chown directory: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan to: 1000:1000
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120307775  66-scandir: tracing: write control file... 
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120309695  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/crash
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120311124  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/finish
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120312529  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGINT
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120313958  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGQUIT
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120315918  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGTERM
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120317579  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGUSR1
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120319102  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGUSR2
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120320522  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGPWR
2021-03-16 14:59:52.120322018  66-scandir: tracing: write file: /run/66/scandir/1000/.s6-svscan/SIGWINCH
I get this 'fatal message' also with my other Obarun installation.
Easy, if you look at the dates, the error is from yesterday, today you have no error
I see.

Again many thanks for all your assistance
so, it magically got fixed? what caused it then and was a re-enabling of boot-user@ <name> enough?

PS: what is <name> called in this context, module name?username (but that can be named other than the user, right)
As far as I understand -- and I still don't understand much -- the command
# 66-enable -v4 -t boot-user -FS boot-user@ bf 
restarted all services in tree boot-user due to the -FS option.
The 4 services which were down -- see above -- are now up.

I have no idea what might have turned them down sometime in the past.
ah. seems like the cause of failure was due to the old .xinitrc. boot-user@ -66serv was updated recently.
Not so sure.
I got the error messages before logging in.
startx, which executes .xinitrc is called later.
So, do you still have an issues or the thread can be marked solved?
Let's mark it as solved.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to do it.
you edit your first message and change the title, add something as [SOLVED]

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