Hi forum,

it's that time again that icu has been updated so that qt5 applications do not work until qt5-base is updated to the newer version. I also think xorg-server needs an update to the newer version or there will be issues.

Workaround is to make sure icu & libxml2 are added after the "ignorepkg=" line in pacman.conf until our hard working maintainers update the packages in question. Thanks for your dedication.

edit: Also those terminals depending on vte will not work until the newer version of vte3 is updated it seems.
edit: Meanwhile I found an AUR vte3 package accounting for the updated icu liblaries: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vte3-nohang -
You dont need to have the nohang program for it to work.
11 days later
Is this also a consequence of this update?
igrk@ obarunS6 ~ % pSyu
:: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso...
 obcore è aggiornato
 obextra                                                                    83,6 KiB   889 KiB/s 00:00 [# ###########################################################] 100%
 obextra.sig                                                               310,0   B  0,00   B/s 00:00 [# ###########################################################] 100%
 obcommunity                                                                19,5 KiB  0,00   B/s 00:00 [# ###########################################################] 100%
 obcommunity.sig                                                           310,0   B  0,00   B/s 00:00 [# ###########################################################] 100%
 observice è aggiornato
errore: impossibile scaricare il file 'core.db.sig' da archmirror.it: la dimensione di download supera quella attesa
errore: impossibile scaricare il file 'extra.db.sig' da archmirror.it: la dimensione di download supera quella attesa
errore: impossibile scaricare il file 'community.db.sig' da archmirror.it: la dimensione di download supera quella attesa
:: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso...
errore: impossibile aprire il file /var/lib/pacman/sync/core.db: Unrecognized archive format
errore: impossibile aprire il file /var/lib/pacman/sync/extra.db: Unrecognized archive format
errore: impossibile aprire il file /var/lib/pacman/sync/community.db: Unrecognized archive format
 non ci sono aggiornamenti disponibili
No I tried the mirror and got problems too, so edit your mirrorlist and comment this one out.
I tried this swiss one
Server = https://mirror.ungleich.ch/mirror/packages/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
or the https from Slovenia is pretty good, that is what I use.

The first uncommented mirror on the list is the one tried first. You can have more of them and when one fails pacman hits the next.
Thanks Fungal_net!
This mirror is also ok.
Naturally i had to delete the Files.db first...

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