Thought it would be better to post a new topic instead of resurrecting an old one:

I've followed the advice from @ eric at post # 23, but permission errors still pop up from Thunar about not having authorization when click-to-mount is desired. My system is up-to-date as of now.

As per the advice, I've switched my ~/.xsession to:
# !/usr/bin/bash


list=( $(ls -A1 /home/${_user}/.66/conf/svscan@ ${_user}) )
for i in ${list[@ ]};do
    var=( $(</home/${_user}/.66/conf/svscan@ ${_user}/${i}) )
    for j in ${var[@ ]}; do
		export ${j}

66-all up
But the permission errors still persist in Thunar.

For now, I've reverted to the "wrong" way where /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsession is modified instead, as suggested by @ negative at post # 12:
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
    exec xmessage -center -buttons OK:0 -default OK "Sorry, $DESKTOP_SESSION is>
    if [ -x /usr/bin/ck-launch-session ]; then
        exec ck-launch-session dbus-run-session $@
        exec $@
Where "dbus-run-session" is the change suggested. This works without permission errors for click-to-mount.

This isn't really an urgent matter for me so no need to be too alarmed, but just letting you guys know just in case.
2 months later
I have the same problem on xfce withoud DM. I installed xfce from an openbox original installation
I solved changing
cmd="exec ck-launch-session $@ "
cmd="exec ck-launch-session dbus-run-session $@ "
in my .xinitrc
I really need to take few time to check this issue. It seems really weird for me because the dbus-session@ service should to the works.
3 months later
hey @ eric, sorry for necrobumping but appending "dbus-run-session" to .xinitrc lets me mount volumes but it doesn't allow me to edit files in the root directory. I also tried to install a DM but no joy on xfce4 (only lightdm works and only on KDE..)
I'm not sure if this workaround helps you at all, but I like a short alias for mounting drives.

For example, I have:

'mantix' = mount (internal) drive which is antix19home
'mext' = mount external HD
mindows = mount windows /Users/(user)

takes 5 seconds and no GUI required. When I open pcmanfm (and I'm sure Thunar would be the same) after running these aliases, my mounted files are available for my interaction
wastelander wrotehey @ eric, sorry for necrobumping but appending "dbus-run-session" to .xinitrc lets me mount volumes but it doesn't allow me to edit files in the root directory. I also tried to install a DM but no joy on xfce4 (only lightdm works and only on KDE..)
It happened to me recently as well. I used to be able to click-mount external USB media in Thunar, and create/edit files as normal. Now, I can no longer do the latter.
Workarounds are welcome but I don't think I can try any now though, my entire installation is screwed in the meanwhile:
Thanks for replying guys but nothing worked for me apart from being able to mount volumes. I really think there is a mess with polkit and ck2 that is hard to solve, at least for some desktops.
4 days later
Thunar-volman is installed?
Yes Eric, however it only works appending dbus-run-session
So, checking the xfce4-session package show me some interesting stuff.
The supports for polkit is not enabled by default at xfce4-session
--enable-polkit         Enable checking for Polkit support
                          (default=[]) L38
Maybe a rebuild of this package with the polkit supports can help.

Another interesting file is the .xinitrc file provided by upstream at the xfce4-session package
# if XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME is not set in systemd user session, starting of xfce4-notifyd, DISPLAY etc. will fail
if command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1 && systemctl --user list-jobs >/dev/null 2>&1; then # user session is running
  dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=$XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME
Also, this file export a lot of variables. Maybe a mix between our .xinitrc file and their file can help too.

If someone can make test and share the result, i can change the package according to the needs.

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