not an obarun bug, but an arch bug. :D
the arch packager has decided that systemd must be an explicit dependency of dunst.
which is silly. because:
1. dunst builds and runs fine without systemd (there's no explicit build option, autodetected i guess)
2. if you're running arch, systemd is there, right?

so, if a dunst user, and this comes up:
warning: cannot resolve "systemd", a dependency of "dunst"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
simply grab the PKGBUILD, edit the depends line, run makepkg, pacman -U dunst*.pkg.tar.xz , done..
hopefully, the maintainer will see sense, and revert this sillyness..
There are many pkgs like this ..
A few have an actual build dependency to the monster, some are configurable from upstream to have systemd/logind enabled/disabled, some are not.

dunst seems like a good candidate to be added to obarun's repos.
4 months later
I use dunst, too, and ran into the systemd dependency last night as I was working through my Artix-runit to Obarun-S6 migration. :(

Should I delve in downloading and building it or help in getting it added to the Obarun repository? I am still figuring stuff out but I do want to contribute.

(found another post regarding mpd which is another one giving me the systemd dependency)
another thing to try with this sort of package(with an explicit systemd/libsystemd dep) might be to use the "--assume-installed libsystemd" option, and see whether their package runs or not..
If you take a look at dunst-git from AUR, which builds the same pkg version I don't see any systemd dependency, so this is the easy way.

Look at the two PKGBUILDs for community/dunst and aur/dunst-git

I am pretty sure you can use the first and just remove systemd from the dependency list and build it, or use dhnst-git and get the same pkg.

PS I should add that once you build dunst successfully by modifying arch's PKGBUILD, you can use the OUR template and make your own our/dunst package at so others can use it too knowing ahead of time that this works in obarun.
@ ncmprhnsbl, thank you for the suggestion.

@ fungal_net, I am waiting on my account approval. I agree. No point making someone else figure it out if you or I have done it. That is just sadistic and insane.

What is the current process if any to add packages to the Obarun repositories or Obarun User Repository?
8 days later
techore wrote@ ncmprhnsbl, thank you for the suggestion.

@ fungal_net, I am waiting on my account approval. I agree. No point making someone else figure it out if you or I have done it. That is just sadistic and insane.

What is the current process if any to add packages to the Obarun repositories or Obarun User Repository?
Has it been added to the oba repo?
@ Xanaus, no it hasn't.

I got distracted with repairs to a couple infrastructure systems, but this is on my task list. I need dunst to move forward so I will get it done and update this thread.
a month later
dunst was one of the packages that I wanted to install for myself without systemd as a dependency, so I went and did just that. I've since gone ahead and pushed it to the OUR for other people to use.

I'll also optionally include a 66 service file for it, though a simple autostart through your DE/WM or X profile should also suffice. Just don't rely on D-Bus to autostart it for you since it isn't generally recommended, and I've found that doing that actually suppressed any and all notifications on my end sent by other D-Bus programs like udiskie.
@ 90, first, thank you. Second, where resources are you referencing to do all this? I need to overcome my ignorance of packaging and S6 to be successful with Obarun. Otherwise, I will continue to be dependent on other OpenRC or runit distributions.

Yes, I execute dunst using my Window Manager, but love to try to puzzle on the S6 init script.

Again, thank you!
techore wrote@ 90, first, thank you. Second, where resources are you referencing to do all this? I need to overcome my ignorance of packaging and S6 to be successful with Obarun. Otherwise, I will continue to be dependent on other OpenRC or runit distributions.

Yes, I execute dunst using my Window Manager, but love to try to puzzle on the S6 init script.

Again, thank you!
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't mostly trial and error on my part. That being said, it's easy to check how programs are packaged for Arch/pacman since literally all it takes to maintain an Arch/AUR package is the PKGBUILD file - and, optionally, any extra files to copy over like stock configs. I'm also, to be honest, not very good yet at putting together service scripts or working with s6/66 in great detail, but that'll be for another day.

The Arch wiki just so happens to have a page explaining PKGBUILDs in greater detail.
Fair enough and encouraging. Sounds like that I just need to set aside the time and stumble may way through it.

I have done more than a little googling of S6 and 66. Not a lot of information relative to OpenRC. However, I love what eric and the Obarun community have done.

The JWM install is so clean relative to others including MX Linux. MX Linux is very nice, but still installing systemd components and a lot of user packages (bloat). Not a criticism for their goal is to make a user friendly distro. In that regard, they did an excellent job.

Thank you!
@ Galeano, thank you.

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