I tried also version 1.0.46-1 from aur with the same result.
kickshaw seg fault at startup
When you start kickshaw on terminal what does it do? Mine works fine.
What does your ~/.kickshawrc looks like?
then copy the above contents into a new ~/.kickshawrc
and try it.
If not maybe gtk3 is messed up, have you substituted gtk3 with one from AUR?
% sudo pacman -Rdd gtk3
% sudo pacman -S gtk3
What does your ~/.kickshawrc looks like?
% more .kickshawrc
# Generated by Kickshaw GTK3 1.0.43
% mv ~/.kickshawrc ~/.kickshawrc.tmpthen copy the above contents into a new ~/.kickshawrc
and try it.
If not maybe gtk3 is messed up, have you substituted gtk3 with one from AUR?
% sudo pacman -Rdd gtk3
% sudo pacman -S gtk3
Thanks, ~/.kickshawrc was different.I put your version and now it works.
I wonder why the default install put a configuration file that make crash the software
I wonder why the default install put a configuration file that make crash the software
I don't remember editing it, I don't why it would be different :)
I use openbox, and I think all kickshaw does is use .config/openbox/menu.xml. so it just helps making a fancy menu.
I just tried it a few times, I think jwm uses it in my last setup, but I generally use obmenu-generator.
I use openbox, and I think all kickshaw does is use .config/openbox/menu.xml. so it just helps making a fancy menu.
I just tried it a few times, I think jwm uses it in my last setup, but I generally use obmenu-generator.
12 days later
Because i do not install and use openbox every day :).I wonder why the default install put a configuration file that make crash the software
So if nobody make a report like you did, i don't see the trouble. Thanks for your help.