For information on how to run sway/wayland see this thread:

use cower or pacopts to download the aur pkg greetd
cd to greetd

cd /tmp
mkdir greetd
cd greetd

1 remove systemd from the dependencies

depends=(systemd pam)

2 Use a comment # or remove these two lines:

# install -Dm644 "$srcdir/greetd-$pkgver/greetd.service" \
# "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/greetd.service"

(you can change the package number to 2 from 1 pkgrel=1 --> pkgrel=2 so it is not confuses in your cache with the AUR pkg.)

3 save PKGBUILD and exit

4 make sure you have the greetd.pam file in your directory and it looks like this
# %PAM-1.0

auth       required
auth       requisite
auth       include      system-local-login
account    include      system-local-login
session    include      system-local-login
install the pkg produced:
% sudo pacman -S git rust scdoc pam
Note which of these were not already installed so you can remove them at the end.
% makepkg
% sudo pacman -U greetd*.pkg.tar.xz
% sudo mv greetd*.pkg.tar.xz /var/cache/pacman/pkg/

Maybe Eric or JM can contribute an install line to be added to the PKGBUILD with obsysusers to add greeter to the video group.
edit as root

and add this content:
@ type = longrun
@ version = 0.0.1
@ description = "greetd daemon"
@ user = ( root )

@ execute = ( exec greetd ${cmd_args} ${conf_dir}/${conf_file} )

@ build = auto
@ execute = ( s6-rmrf /run/greetd* )

I am not that sure that the stop works and greetd doesn't provide a command to stop itself

To enable and start the service:

Then enable and start the service in a tree you want it started (example root)
% sudo 66-enable -t root -FS greetd
% sudo 66-inservice greetd
Also read the documentation about its configuration file in /etc/greetd/config.toml and how to modify it.
AUR has some variants to use with greetd GTK and console.
If you are using the standard 2 ttys on obarun and X starts on tty3 on /etc/greetd/config.toml
you may want to say start on vt = 4

If you are using 6 ttys make this vt = 8 so it doesn't interfere with other ttys

Also root login is not allowed, maybe because it is greeter (user) that when added in video group is allowed to start a session but not a root login?

Also when $SHELL is substituted with xinit or startx as soon as you login your X session starts.
For use with wayland/wlroots/sway etc you should also use this pkg: greetd-wlgreet from AUR

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