Not sure where this should go, so I put it here. Please move as appropriate.

Will obarun be a fixed or rolling release?

Will there be any LTS releases?

I understand that, technically, obarun is not really a distro. But still, I'd like to know what I can expect moving into the future. I am considering obarun (and some others) as a replacement for my Scientific 6 hosting for VirtualBox. I don't want to have to deal with never-ending updates, many of which require recycling VMs, and I'd like to be able to stick with a "distro" (note quotes) that assures I won't have to deal with systemd again.

systemdlete wroteWill obarun be a fixed or rolling release?
Obarun is a rolling release
Will there be any LTS releases?
not for the moment
systemdlete wroteWill there be any LTS releases?
Very experimental (and "totally" not based on ALA)
Also remember that partial upgrades aren't supported by neither. Partial_upgrades_are_unsupported
However, Arch Linux has a pseudo-longterm kernel in the core repos Install_the_linux-lts_package
a month later
eric wrote
systemdlete wroteWill obarun be a fixed or rolling release?
Obarun is a rolling release
Will there be any LTS releases?
not for the moment
So it might be under consideration? That is, it is not completely out of the picture in the future?
systemdlete wroteSo it might be under consideration?
Under consideration as in a pipe dream, yeah.
There are numerous difficulties that come with assuring people of long term support. and it is largely counter-productive by doing so. Such as manjaro forgetting about SSL because they are too busy "maintaining" packages [0]. Or manjaro holding packages from being patched for vulnerabilities, because lhey don't support later versions :) [1]. Which they replied by only bumping a few packages for critical updates like firefox to shut everyone up, out of the ...14,635 packages from arch :). [that story is still lingering around the manjaro site somewhere but im too lazy to look for it again]. The only thing I'm /sure/ obarun (and by i mean obarun, i mean eric) supports is s6-init and pacopts. and maybe mdev in the future. Let me remind you, there is only but one person holding up this project. I'm only here to maintain some things, and help people. In closing, There is no warrenty [2]. So legally and figuratively you can't bust our balls if something breaks. But we will sometimes be here to help if it does.
Else see a article by Matthew Fuller (a freebsd dev) entited. Are you User-Friendly?
systemdlete wroteThat is, it is not completely out of the picture in the future?
not excluded, but not on my todo list for this year.

You may have access at the old package :

For archlinux :
For obarun :

So, with a little work you can build your own LTS release :). If you do that, please share it, it will be interesting for other people.
5 months later
Please let me ask you about Obarun and it's future ARM compatibility or support.

I pre-odered the upcoming EOMA68 computing device (with A20 Dual-Core ARM Cortex A7, 1.2 GHz). It's a single-board computer, comparable to Raspberry Pi, Beagleboard or the Odroid C2/ XU4.

So, will I be able to install Obarun on such a device in 2017? Thanks in advance for clarifying, Eric and bit!
hello Amélie, i'm glad to read you :).

So, this begin of the year will be very busy for me. I think about it (arm) for a while for me too. I have started the script obarun-build for that, i mean, building the system with particular compilation, but for moment the script is not ready and to be honnest, i will not implement new features during those first few month of the year 2017.
I will go on travel and formation in february and march for my day job. I'm currently pulling out of my appartement for a new one. so , very very busy.....

Anyway, if you build a system for arm, please please, share your PKGBUILD (can be possible on my github as is the case for bit :) )

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