You cannot make an instant copy of your system with obarun-mkiso. Do you want your personal data on the ISO like movies? This doesn't make sense (well, for me).
The purpose of obarun-mkiso is to create a valid/configured "base" system which can be booted from an e.g. USB stick.
So, install a fresh system on your host by mounting a fake device on e.g. /mnt, than use obarun-mkiso to make an ISO from this fresh installation. The obarun-install script it sufficiently flexible do make any useful system and obviously you can modify the system by chrooting the /mnt directory before making the ISO.
To help you, this following script will create a fake device at ./mounted directory. Then you can launch obarun-install picking this directory to install a fresh system
# !/usr/bin/bash
if [[ -z "${1}" ]];then
echo "give a name for the image to create"
exit 1
create() {
local name="${1}"
# create an empty file of 5G
oblog "Create disk image: ${name}"
truncate -s 5G "${name}"
# format that image
oblog "Format: ${name}"
mkfs.ext4 -m 1 -v "${name}"
# umount the previous mountpoint in case
# of successively use of the script
oblog "Umount mounted directory"
umount -R mounted/
# mount it
oblog "Mount ${name}.img to mounted/"
mount "${name}" mounted/
# same as previous, in case of successive use
# we erase the things done previously
oblog "Delete mounted/{boot,home}"
rm -rf mounted/boot
rm -rf mounted/home
oblog "Create directories mounted/{boot,home}"
# finally create the boot, home directory
mkdir mounted/{boot,home}
if (( EUID ));then
oblog -f "you need to be root"
exit 111
create "${1}"
Well, to use it, change your working directory to e.g. ~/tmp/install. Copy this script to ~/tmp/install/ and make executable than launch it.
It will create a fake DD device of 5G. Increase it if you need more.